Exposure to cobalt60

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Country: United States of America
State: All States/ProvincesI was exposed to cobalt60 last year on 3 consecutive days via exterior contamination of vessels transported. I taped the vessels and came to learn of the contamination when the receiver found it and confiscated the tarps used to cover the vessels and took my gloves as well. Receiver identified the material as cobalt60 dust on the top and exterior of the vessels I had taped. I picked them up in Tn, then in Pennsylvania and delivered them to Ohio. Employer and insurer refused workers comp claim. I assume that this now permits this to be moved into the third party arena of law. I also assume that I now have to prove via a medical doctor that my current health issues are due to this exposure? I need some guidance and will require a very aggressive attorney that has zero sympathy and tolerance of corporations and their insurers. For a change I would like there to be justice that is equal for the working fellow as it would be for the wealthy individual.


You could consult your nearest Department of Labor office to briefly discuss the issue with them first. You may also want to ask the company to put what is happening in writing and explain to them that you may have attorneys review the situation. Try speaking to a higher level of management about the issue; they may override the other managers.