branchial cleft cyst

bran·chi·al cyst

a cervical cyst arising from developmental persistence of an ectodermal pharyngeal groove, usually the second. It is frequently located anterior to the inferior third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Synonym(s): branchial cleft cyst

branchial cleft cyst

A benign developmental cyst arising from the persistence of ectodermal branchial cleft (groove) or endodermal pharyngeal pouches.
Surgical excision if needed.

branchial cleft cyst

Branchial cyst A cyst-like embryologic rest–remnant present at birth, which arises from branchial clefts, usually the 2nd, at the end of the trachea and branch into the lungs; BCCs often present as asymptomatic unilateral fluctuant masses posteroinferior to the angle of the jaw and anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle; it is characterized by having cartilage as part of the supporting wall structure; BCCs may not be recognized until adolescence when enlarged; BCCs may develop a sinus or drainage path to the skin surface from which mucus can be expressed Management Total surgical excision; recurrence is rare