

 [e-lek″tro-nis″tag-mog´rah-fe] graphic recordings of eye movements that provide objective documentation of induced and spontaneous nystagmus; see also electronystagmogram.

e·lec·tro·nys·tag·mog·ra·phy (ENG),

(ē-lek'trō-nis'tag-mog'ră-fē), A method of nystagmography based on electrooculography; skin electrodes are placed at outer canthi to register horizontal nystagmus or above and below each eye for vertical nystagmus. [electro- + nystagmus + G. graphō, to write]


Ophthalmology A battery of neurologic and neuro-otologic examinations that record eye movements, used to separate vestibular and oculomotor deficits of the CNS, from deficits of the peripheral vestibular system


(ENG) (ĕ-lek'trō-nis-tag-mog'ră-fē) A method of nystagmography based on electrooculography; skin electrodes are placed at outer canthi to register horizontal nystagmus, or above and below each eye for vertical nystagmus. [electro- + nystagmus + G. graphō, to write]


Graphical recording of the small electric currents generated by eye movements. These can be picked up by metal electrodes placed near the corners of the eyes, amplified and used to deflect recording pens so as to produce a permanent record of the eye movements. The method may be used to analyse abnormal rhythmical eye movement (NYSTAGMUS), or to record the response to CALORIC TESTS of the function of the inner ear balancing mechanism.


A method for measuring the electricity generated by eye movements. Electrodes are placed on the skin around the eye and the individual is subjected to a variety of stimuli so that the quality of eye movements can be assessed.Mentioned in: Dizziness