Ernesto Cesaro

Cesaro, Ernesto


Born Mar. 12, 1859, in Naples; died Sept. 12, 1906, in Torre Annunziata, near Naples. Italian mathematician.

Cesaro was a professor at the University of Naples. In 1880 he developed methods of finding the sum of divergent series. Cesaro made important contributions to intrinsic geometry, in which curves and surfaces are defined in terms of quantities that do not change under transformations of coordinates.


Introduzione alla teoria matematica della Clasticita. Turin, 1895. Lezioni di geometria intrinseca. Naples, 1896.
In Russian translation:
Elementarnyi uchebnik algebraicheskogo analiza i ischisleniia beskonechno malykh, part 1 [2nd ed.]. Odessa, 1914.