CRDSCenter for Research and Development Strategy (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
CRDSCavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
CRDSContribution pour Le Remboursement de la Dette Sociale (French: Social Debt Repayment Contribution)
CRDSCommunity Rehabilitation and Disability Studies (University of Calgary, Canada)
CRDSConsolidated Remote Delivery Site (US DHS)
CRDSCentre de Recherches et de Documentation du Sénégal (Research and Documentation Center of Senegal)
CRDSCertified Remedial Damp-Proofing Surveyor
CRDSControl Rod Drive System (nuclear power)
CRDSChemical Reactions Documentation Service
CRDSCustomer Requirements Data Set
CRDSCalligraphic/Raster Display System (NASA)
CRDSComponent Repair Data Sheet