
Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.


(language)An eight-instruction programming language createdby Urban M?ller. His goal was apparently to create aTuring-complete language with the smallest compiler ever,for the Amiga OS 2.0. He eventually reduced his compiler tounder 200 bytes.

A Brainfuck program has a pointer that moves within an arrayof 30000 bytes, initially all set to zero. The pointerinitially points to the beginning of this array. The languagehas eight commands, each of which is represented as a singlecharacter, and which can be expressed in terms of C asfollows:

> ==> ++p;< ==> --p;+ ==> ++*p;- ==> --*p;. ==> putchar(*p);, ==> *p = getchar();[ ==> while (*p) ] ==>

Brian Raiter's Brainfuck page.