

单词 df



abbr.1. Latin Defensor Fidei (Defender of the Faith)2. direction finder


abbreviation for (Heraldry) Defender of the Faith


or DF,

1. direction finder. 2. direction finding.


Doctor of Forestry.



1. Abbr. for daylight factor. 2. On drawings, abbr. for drinking fountain.

DF (direction finder)

A radio receiver equipped with a direction-sensing antenna used to take bearings on a radio transmitter. A direction finder essentially consists of a loop aerial. To remove 180° ambiguity, a sense aerial is also brought into the circuit. The DF system can either be airborne or ground-based. See automatic direction finder.



 [dĕ-gre´] 1. a grade or rank within a series, especially a rank awarded to scholars by a college or university.2. a unit of measure of temperature.3. a unit of measure of arcs and angles, one degree being 1/360 of a circle.4. one of the ranks or stages in a progressive series.d's of freedom (df) the number of ways that the members of a sample can vary independently. For example, if a sample contains n scores and the sum of those scores is known, n − 1 scores are free to vary; the nth score, however, is not free to vary but is determined by the values of the other scores and the established sum of the scores. In this example, the degrees of freedom equal the sample size minus 1 (df = n − 1).


, DFAbbreviation for decayed and filled teeth.Synonym(s): df caries index


, dfAbbreviation for df caries index.


DFDistrito Federal (Spanish: Federal District)
DFData Frame
DFDairy Free
DFDisk Free
DFDistrito Federal (Brazil)
DFDelta Force (Novalogic military combat game)
DFDrug Free
DFDwarf Fortress (video game)
DFDansk Folkeparti
DFDirection Finder
DFDegree of Freedom
DFLa Documentation Française (France)
DFDual Frequency
DFDon't Fragment
DFDead Fish
DFDirection Flag
DFDrinking Fountain (various companies)
DFDiesel Fuel
DFDisk Farm
DFDelay Fuse
DFDodd-Frank (finance law)
DFDragon Force (band)
DFDietary Fiber
DFDengue Fever
DFDarkfall (game)
DFDong Feng (Asia automobile manofacturer)
DFDouglas Fir
DFDistraction Free (web browser extension)
DFData Field
DFDead Frontier
DFDecision Feedback
DFDarkness Falls (Dark Age of Camelot online game)
DFDissipation Factor
DFDirt Farmer
DFDivine Forces (gaming; Runescape clan)
DFDark Forces (LucasArts game)
DFDefence Forces (Irish Army)
DFDerek Fisher (NBA Player)
DFDavid Farrell (composer)
DFDragonfable (online game)
DFDouble Feature
DFDestination Field
DFData Fusion
DFDilution Factor
DFDesign Feature
DFDigital Forensics
DFDobbs Ferry (New York)
DFDepth Finder
DFDown Forward (video game)
DFDisposal Facility
DFDiscount Factor
DFDean of the Faculty
DFDesign Flow
DFDemocratic Front (India)
DFDeep Forest (band)
DFDungeon Family (Collection of Bands)
DFDog Fight (air-to-air combat)
DFDuty Factor
DFDedicated File
DFDrilling Fluid
DFDioxins and Furans
DFDespair Faction (website)
DFDamage Free
DFDisposition Form
DFDistricto Federal
DFDarling Fiancee
DFDelivery Function
DFDark Future (role playing game)
DFDegree Fahrenheit
DFDermatofibroma (skin tumor)
DFDistribution Frame
DFDefender of the Faith
DFDeep Freezer (storage and preservation)
DFDeuterium Fluoride
DFDifference Frequency
DFDigital Fortress (book)
DFDefensive Fire
DFDistance Formula
DFDensity Factor
DFDecode and Forward
DFDistriktsidrottsförbund (Swedish Gymnastics Federation)
DFDevice Flag
DFDiamond Frame (bicycle)
DFDead Fantasy (anime)
DFDigital Fingerprint
DFDynaFlat (Samsung monitor)
DFDouble Flag
DFDeblocking Filter
DFDielectric Film
DFDecontamination Factor
DFDose Factor
DFDestroyer Flotilla
DFDevelopment Flight
DFData Formatter
DFDead Freight
DFDispersion Factor
DFDecimation Factor
DFDirect Fulfillment (contract manufacturer sends product directly to the customer)
DFDead Files
DFDelivery Facility (Canada Post)
DFDelay Fault
DFDuplex Filter
DFDark Falz (Phantasy Star Online boss, gaming)
DFDynamic Flux
DFDanske Folkedanseres (Denmark)
DFDie Famous
DFDark Friend
DFDynamo Field (automotive electronics)
DFDark Faction (video game)
DFDimensional Fact (data warehouse model)
DFDouble Feeder
DFDissociation Factor (chemistry)
DFThe Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall (computer game)
DFDuelField (online game)
DFDelay Fuze
DFDemodulation Filter
DFDrainage Frequency
DFDhammakaya Foundation
DFDroopy Flange
DFDuck Farm, Inc.
DFDysfunctional Fighters (gaming clan)




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