


(from French de jour; meaning “attendance”), according to Soviet labor law, the attendance of a worker in an enterprise (establishment) after his work shift is over, either during his days off or on holidays, for the purpose of completing current urgent business not included in his official duties. Attendance should not be confused with a worker’s usual labor functions (such as an electrician’s or a physician’s being on call).

Attendance is allowed only with the approval of the factory, plant, or local committee and should not occur more than once a month. Pregnant women are not called for attendance, nor are women who have children under 12. Workers in attendance should not be required to perform the duties of guards or to check passes or receive mail. If a worker is assigned to attendance after closing time, his reporting to work on time on the following day, whether he works a regular or nonregular day, is not required. The duration of attendance (or work combined with attendance) should not exceed the normal duration of a work shift.

Attendance during days off and holidays is compensated for by allowing equal time off in the following ten-day period (decree of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of Apr. 2, 1954, Collection of Legislative Enactments on Labor, Moscow, 1970, art. 226).