释义 |
dextroversionthe state or process of turning to the right.See also: Rightdextroversion
dextroversion [dek″stro-ver´zhun] 1. version to the right, especially movement of the eyes to the right.2. location of the heart in the right chest, the left ventricle remaining in the normal position on the left, but lying anterior to the right ventricle. See illustration. Dextroversion. From Stein et al., 2000.dex·tro·ver·sion (deks'trō-ver'zhŭn), 1. Version toward the right. 2. In ophthalmology, a conjugate rotation of both eyes to the right. [dextro- + L. verto, pp. versus, to turn] dex·tro·ver·sion (deks'trō-vĕr-zhŭn) 1.Version toward the right. 2. ophthalmology A conjugate rotation of both eyes to the right. [dextro- + L. verto, pp. versus, to turn]dextroversionMovement of both eyes to the right. See version. |