

 [dek″strĭ-no´sis] a condition characterized by accumulation in the tissues of an abnormal polysaccharide.limit dextrinosis Forbes' disease.


(glī'kō-jĕ-nō'sis), Any of the glycogen deposition diseases characterized by accumulation of glycogen of normal or abnormal chemical structure in tissue; there may be enlargement of the liver, heart, or striated muscle, including the tongue, with progressive muscular weakness. Seven types (Cori classification) are recognized, depending on the enzyme deficiency involved, all of autosomal recessive inheritance, but with a different gene for each enzyme deficiency. [MIM designations: I, *232200, *232220, *232240; II, *232300; III, *232400; IV, *232500; V, *232600; VI, *232700; VII, *232800]. Synonym(s): dextrinosis, glycogen-storage disease


(glī'kō-jĕ-nō'sis) Any glycogen deposition disease characterized by accumulation of glycogen of normal or abnormal chemical structure in tissue; there may be enlargement of the liver, heart, or striated muscle, including the tongue, with progressive muscular weakness.
Synonym(s): dextrinosis.