Braginskii, Iosif Samuilovich
Braginskii, Iosif Samuilovich
Born June 5 (18), 1905, in Baku. Soviet orientalist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Tadzhik SSR (1951). Honored Scientist of the Tadzhik SSR. Member of the CPSU since 1925.
Since 1957, Braginskii has been editor in chief of the journal Narody Azii i Afriki (Peoples of Asia and Africa). In his works, which are devoted to the cultural history of the peoples of Middle Asia and the works of Rudagi, Firdausi, Hafiz, and others, Braginskii studies humanistic ideas in oriental literatures.
Iz istorii tadzhikskoi narodnoi poezii. Moscow, 1956.Ocherki iz istorii tadzhikskoi literatury. Dushanbe, 1956.
Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo Sadriddina Aini. Moscow, 1959.
Persidskaia literatura: Kratkii ocherk. Moscow, 1963. (With. D. Komissarov.)
12 miniatiur. Moscow, 1966.