eccrine poroma


 [pŏ-ro´mah] a tumor arising in a pore.eccrine poroma a benign tumor arising from the intradermal portion of an eccrine sweat duct, usually on the sole.

ec·crine po·ro·ma

a poroma or acrospiroma of the eccrine sweat glands, usually occurring on the sole of the foot. as a soft reddish nodule composed of basaloid cells and fibrovascular tissue.

eccrine acrospiroma

A benign lobulated skin adnexal tumour arising from a distal excretory duct in the palms and soles of the feet, with minimal eccrine differentiation.

ec·crine po·ro·ma

(ek'rin pōr-ō'mă) A poroma or acrospiroma of the eccrine sweat glands, usually occurring on the sole of the foot.