

单词 cir



(astronomy) Circinus


1. On drawings, abbr. for “circle” or “circular.” 2. On drawings, abbr. for circuit.


Committed Information Rate


(Committed Information Rate) In a frame relay network, the average transmission rate in bits per second (typically Kbps) for a virtual circuit. It defines the maximum rate that the network can handle under normal conditions. The CIR rate plus excess burst rate (Excess Information Rate, EIR) is either equal to or less than the speed of the access port into the network. Frame relay carriers define and package CIRs differently, and CIRs are adjusted with experience. See UNI, DLCI and frame relay.


CIRCommitted Information Rate (data communications)
CIRCommittee on International Relations (various organizations)
CIRCosmetic Ingredient Review
CIRCertificate in International Relations (various organizations)
CIRComprehensive Immigration Reform
CIRCommitted Information Rate (maximum average data rate that a network undertakes under normal circumstances)
CIRChannel Impulse Response
CIRCenter for Interdisciplinary Research (various locations)
CIRCambridge Investment Research (various locations)
CIRColor Infrared
CIRCommittee on Information Resources (Triangle Research Libraries Network; North Carolina)
CIRCenter for Investigative Reporting
CIRCost Income Ratio
CIRCombustion Integrated Rack
CIRCommissioner of Inland Revenue (various locations)
CIRCentral Intelligence Report
CIRCrédit d'Impôt Recherche (French: Research Tax Credit)
CIRConsumer IR (remote control via infrared)
CIRCox, Ingersoll and Ross (economic model)
CIRCommittee of Interns and Residents
CIRCertified Internet Recruiter (Advanced Internet Recruitment Strategies professional certification)
CIRCompagnie Industriali Riunite (Italian industrial group)
CIRComprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation
CIRCommitted Information Rate
CIRConsumer Infra Red
CIRCarrier to Interference Ratio
CIRComprehensive Information Report
CIRColor Infra Red
CIRCarbon Infra Red
CIRCurrent Instruction Register
CIRConnector for Infra Red
CIRCentral Indian Ridge (geology)
CIRCenter for Individual Rights
CIRConselho Indígena de Roraima (Portuguese: Indigenous Council of Roraima; Roraima, Brazil)
CIRCentre for Immune Regulation (University of Oslo; Norway)
CIRConsiglio Italiano Per I Rifugiati (Italian Refugee Council)
CIRContinuous Infrared
CIRCritical Information Requirement
CIRChicago Indoor Racing (Illinois)
CIRContinuous Improvement Review
CIRCoordinator for International Relations (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)
CIRComplex Impulse Response
CIRCarrier-to-Interference Ratio
CIRCenter for International Rehabilitation
CIRCommand Instrument Rating (flight training)
CIRCertificate in Institutional Research (various schools)
CIRCold In-Place Recycling (pavement processing and treatment)
CIRCentre d'Information et de Recrutement (French: Information and Recruitment Center; law enforcement)
CIRChinese Information Retrieval
CIRCommunity Information Referral (Arizona)
CIRConsortium for International Recruitment (European Council of International Schools)
CIRCost Information Report
CIRConvention des Institutions Républicaines (French political party)
CIRCommunity Impact Report (various locations)
CIRCritical Infrastructure Resiliency (US FEMA)
CIRCommon Intermediate Representation (computing)
CIRCarbon Isotope Ratio
CIRCollections Information Repository (US Department of the Treasury)
CIRCenter for Impact Research
CIRColegio Interamericano de Radiologia (Inter-American College of Radiology)
CIRCentral de Información de Riesgos
CIRCenter for Immigration Research
CIRCenter for Insurance Research
CIRCollaborative Information Retrieval
CIRContext-based Information Retrieval
CIRCloud Infrared Radiometer
CIRClient Infrastructure Representative
CIRCargo Integration Review
CIRCompte Individuel Retraite (French: Individual Retirement Account)
CIRClose Indication Relay (electrical circuitry)
CIRChemical Industry Roundtable
CIRCross Index Range
CIRCentre Instantané de Rotation
CIRCommunication Industry Researchers, Inc.
CIRClinical Intelligence Rules
CIRConstructions Industrielles du Rhône (French industrial construction company)
CIRCerebral Impulse Relay
CIRCylindrical Internal Reflection
CIRContinuing Intelligence Requirement
CIRCompagnie Immobilière de Restauration (French real estate company)
CIRChristians in Recovery, Inc. (online support group)
CIRCapital Improvement Report
CIRCalifornia Initiative Review
CIRCoherent Imaging Radar
CIRChannel Islands Restoration (Santa Barbara, CA)
CIRChair Indicate Release/Refuse
CIRChange Incorporation Record (NASA)
CIRConfiguration Inspection Report
CIRChange Incorporation Record
CIRCentre Informatique Recherche (French computer research center)
CIRCellule Inter-Agence de Réinsertion (French)
CIRComputer Integrated Repair
CIRCentre for Innovation and Research
CIRConformity Inspection Record
CIRCertificado de Incentivo Forestal (Spanish)
CIRCode de l'Impôt sur les Revenus (French: Income Tax Code; Belgium)
CIRCapital Investment Request
CIRControlled Impact Reentry (package)
CIRCritical Information Request
CIRCharacter Information Repository (Alleria, a role playing game)
CIRCritical Implementation Review
CIRCoordinated Implementation Required
CIRChronic Intermittent Rhabdomyolysis
CIRCommand Incident Report
CIRCalgary Independent Realty Ltd. (Calgary, Aberta, Canada)
CIRCall Initiate Request
CIRCandidate Interoperability Plan
CIRCentralized Inventory Report
CIRCollection Intelligence Requirement
CIRCall Inquiry Response
CIRCephalo-Iliac Right
CIRContingency Items Report
CIRContractor Information Report
CIRCarrier-Induced Regeneration (bioengineering)
CIRCentre d'Intervention Rapide (French: Rapid Intervention Center; emergency medical transportation)
CIRCritical Inspection Report (US Coast Guard)


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