

单词 crb



abbreviation for (in Britain) Criminal Records Bureau



(astronomy) Corona Borealis



Abbreviation for:
catheter-related bacteraemia
congenital retinal blindness
Criminal Records Bureau (Medspeak-UK)
curriculum review board



See: Commodity Research Bureau.

Commodity Research Bureau

An organization that produces an index that tracks the price movements of 17 commodities. The CRB index does not follow any one commodity sector, but rather the general direction of commodities overall. The CRB index is watched by both commodity and bond investors because the prices of commodities and bonds tend to move in opposite directions due to inflation.

Certified Residential Broker (CRB)

A designation awarded by the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers (www.crb.com),which is affiliated with the National Association of REALTORS®.


CRBCertified Residential Broker
CRBCommodity Research Bureau (finance)
CRBCriminal Records Bureau (UK)
CRBCopyright Royalty Board (Library of Congress)
CRBCertified Real Estate Brokerage Manager
CRBCrawfordsville (bus stop; Amtrak statcion code; Crawfordsville, IN)
CRBCross Roller Bearing (various companies)
CRBCollectif des Radios Blues (French: Blues Radio Collective; various locations)
CRBCredit Reference Bureau (various locations)
CRBCentres de Ressources Biologiques (French: Biological Resource Centers)
CRBCalifornia Research Bureau
CRBChabab Riadhi Belouizdad (Algerian football club)
CRBCentre de Recherche Budo (French: Budo Research Center; martial arts)
CRBChairman Railway Board (India)
CRBComité de la Réglementation Bancaire (French: Committee on Banking Regulation)
CRBCramer-Rao Bound
CRBCorporate Risk and Broking
CRBCroix-Rouge de Belgique (French: Belgian Red Cross)
CRBCentrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven (Belgium)
CRBCenter for Responsible Business (various organizations)
CRBCountry Radio Broadcasters, Inc.
CRBColumbia River Basin
CRBControl and Robotics (various schools)
CRBCentre de Recherche Berbère (French: Berber Research Center)
CRBCivilian Review Board
CRBCome Right Back
CRBColumbia River Basalt
CRBCenter for Reproductive Biology (various locations)
CRBClube de Regatas Brasil (Brazilian soccer club)
CRBChange Review Board
CRBClinical Review Board
CRBContract Review Board
CRBCertification Review Board
CRBCylindrical Roller Bearing(s)
CRBCapital Region BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services)
CRBClassification Review Board
CRBConservation Review Board (Canada)
CRBCentre Réparation Bobinage (French: Winding Repair Center)
CRBCommunity Resource Board
CRBCitizen's Review Board
CRBConcurrent Routing and Bridging (Cisco)
CRBCréations Réalisations Barbecues (French: Authoring Barbecues)
CRBCertification/Registration Body
CRBClark Realty Builders (Virginia)
CRBCentral Registered Body (UK)
CRBCole, Raywid & Braverman, LLP (Washington, DC)
CRBCentre de Recherche du Bouchet (French: Bouchet Research Center)
CRBCost Review Board
CRBCollectif Redessinons Broussais (French: Collective Redraw Broussais; hospital)
CRBCentral Review Board
CRBCenter for Regenerative Biology (University of Connecticut)
CRBClock Reference Board
CRBConfiguration Review Board
CRBClub Rétromobile du Berry (French car club)
CRBCharles River Broadcasting
CRBCriminal Registration Branch (police incident code; New Zealand)
CRBCheap Reloading Bastard
CRBCrumbs, Drosophila
CRBColombian Rainbow Boa (herpetoculture)
CRBCampaign for Real Beauty (Dove)
CRBCommon Readers' Bookshop (various lists of books)
CRBContent Review Board
CRBCommand Review Board
CRBCertification Record Brief
CRBCarrier Review Board
CRBCapital Review Board (various organizations)
CRBCapillary Refill Brisk
CRBCustomer Records and Billing (telecommunications industry)
CRBCentral Recording Building
CRBChemistry Review Branch
CRBComposite Rotor Blade
CRBCold Refreshing Beverage
CRBConcrete Roadside Barrier
CRBConcerns Resolution Board




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