

单词 cass



C0143300 (kăs), Lewis 1782-1866. American soldier, politician, and diplomat who held several governmental positions, including US secretary of war (1831-1836) during the Black Hawk and Seminole wars.



Cardiology, cardiovascular surgery A randomized, open label, multicenter trial that compared the outcomes of CABG vs. medical therapy on M&M in Pts with coronary artery disease after an MI. See Angina, CABG, Silent ischemia.


Continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions.

Patient discussion about CASS

Q. Does using hair shampoo and conditioner too often or in too excess cass hair loss? A. Chemicals used for dying, tinting, bleaching, straightening or permanent waves can cause hair to become damaged and break off if they are overused or used incorrectly. Overstyling and excessive brushing also can cause hair to fall out if the hair shaft becomes damaged.
so it really depends on which shampoo you are using and what are the materials inside it. i heard from more then one hair dresser that conditioner can cause it and shampoo for dry hair that also contains conditioner. but it could be just an urban legend...

More discussions about CASS


CASSChinese Academy of Social Sciences
CASSCoding Accuracy Support System
CASSCircuits and Systems Society (IEEE)
CASSCoronary Artery Surgery Study
CASSComputer Automated Surveillance System
CASSClient Assets Sourcebook (Financial Conduct Authority; UK)
CASSCreating a Safe School (anti-bullying)
CASSConsolidated Automated Support System
CASSCalifornia Agricultural Statistics Service
CASSCooperative Association of States for Scholarships
CASSCenter for Advanced Space Studies
CASSContinuing Analysis and Surveillance System
CASSCargo Accounts Settlement System
CASSComputer-Assisted Search Service
CASSCockpit Access Security System
CASSCommunity Agency School Services (Frederick County, Maryland)
CASSCanadian Agriculture Skills Service
CASSClub Audi Sport Suisse (French: Swiss Audi Sport Club; automobile club; Switzerland)
CASSCircumpolar Arctic Social Science
CASSCommercial Air Service Standards
CASSCenter for AMEDD (Army Medical Department) Strategic Studies (Houston, TX)
CASSComputer-Aided Sleep System
CASSCopper Accelerated Salt Spray Test
CASSCommand Activated Sonobuoy (Sonar) System
CASSCentre d'Animation Sociale et Sanitaire (French: Center for Health and Social Animation; Cameroon)
CASSCommand Active Sonobuoy System
CASSCataract-Alopecia-Sclerodactyly Syndrome
CASSComputer-Assisted Surveillance System
CASSComprehensive Acoustic Simulation System
CASSCategories of Sensitive Subjects
CASSCowboy Action Shooting Society (Australia)
CASSCommon ATCCS Support Software
CASSComputer Aided Schematic System
CASSCustomer Access Support System (Sprint)
CASSCentralized Aircraft Support System
CASSCommon Air Satellite Structure
CASSConnecticut Association of Secondary Schools
CASSCustomer Access Scheduling System (Verizon)
CASSCanadian Airport Security System
CASSConfiguration Accounting Support System
CASSConsolidated Assistance and Support Services (New Jersey)
CASSCalibration Accuracy Support System
CASSCooperative Active Safety System
CASSCoarse Alignment Sub-System
CASSClosed Area Security System
CASSComputer Automated Support System
CASSCommand Active Sonar System
CASSChottanagpur Adivasi Sewa Samiti (India)
CASSControl Aircraft Support System
CASSCoded Accuracy Support System (USPS)




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