Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area

Fair Hill Natural Resources Management Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Cecil County, at the intersections of Routes 273 and 213. Borderedby Pennsylvania to the north and less than 0.5 miles west of Delaware.
Facilities:Fairgrounds, race track, picnic areas and shelters, multi-use trails(75 miles), stables, nature center, activity hall, restrooms (é).
Activities:Horse races, fishing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, hunting.
Special Features:Fair Hill’s attractions include a turf course, where steeplechase, timber course, and flat races are held with pari-mutuel wagering. The fairgrounds host the annual Cecil County Fair. The area’s open expanses of land are composed of pristine fields and woodlands and offer a diverse range of outdoor recreational activities.
Address:300 Tawes Dr
Elkton, MD 21921

Web: www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/central/fairhill.html
Size: 5,613 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.