

单词 aga




also a·gha A0134000 (ä′gə, ăg′ə)n. Used as a title for a civil or military leader, especially in the Ottoman Empire.
[Turkish ağa; akin to Old Turkic ağa, older brother, probably from Mongolian aqa.]


(ˈɑːɡə) or


(in the Ottoman Empire) n1. (Historical Terms) a title of respect, often used with the title of a senior position2. (Historical Terms) a military commander[C17: Turkish, literally: lord]


(ˈɑːɡə) n (Cookery) trademark Brit a cooking range and heating system powered by solid fuel, electricity, or gas[C20: from (Svenskaa) A(ktiebolaget) Ga(sackumulator), the original Swedish manufacturer]


or a•gha

(ˈɑ gə)

n. (in Turkey and other Muslim countries) a title of honor for a high official, military commander, etc. [1590–1600; < Turkish ağa lord]


A Turkish word meaning a leader or commander.
Noun1.aga - title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)Aga - title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)Aghaform of address, title of respect, title - an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; "the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"Republic of Turkey, Turkey - a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923





in the Turkish sultanates the title of the military leaders, including the commander of the janissaries, and the title of the heads of certain groups of court servants. After the abolition of the janissaries in 1826, “Aga” became the name for junior and middle-level officers of the Turkish army. In modern Turkey, ağa is a form of address to prosperous landowners and sometimes part of a person’s name.


Abbr. for “American Gas Association.”



 1. appropriate for gestational age.2. American Gastroenterological Association.


Abbreviation for appropriate for gestational age.
FinancialSeeAmerican Gas Association


AGAAmerican Gas Association
AGAAssociation of Government Accountants
AGAAmerican Go Association
AGAAmerican Gaming Association (Washington, DC)
AGAAmerican Gastroenterological Association
AGAArizona Golf Association
AGAAnglo Gold Ashanti (South Africa)
AGAAndrogenetic Alopecia
AGAAnti-Gliadin Antibody
AGAAppropriate for Gestational Age
AGAAnnual General Assembly
AGAAdaptive Genetic Algorithm
AGAAbellio Greater Anglia (British railroad; UK)
AGAAccredited Gemologists Association
AGAAmerican Galvanizers Association
AGAAmerican Grassfed Association
AGAAustralian Gas Association
AGAAquatic Gardeners Association
AGAAdministracion General de Aduanas (Mexico)
AGAAssociation of the Graphic Arts
AGAAdult Guardianship Act (Canada)
AGAActors Guild of America
AGAAmerican Gelbvieh Association
AGAArchivo General de la Administración (Spain)
AGAAustralian Garrison Artillery
AGAArt Galleries Association (various locations)
AGAAshland Gallery Association (Ashland, OR)
AGAAllgemeine Grundausbildung (German Army basic military training)
AGAAdvanced Graphics Adapter
AGAAmerican Genetic Association
AGAArbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan
AGAAcademia de Guerra Aérea
AGAAmerican Grandprix Association
AGAAustralasian Golf Academy
AGAAustralian Government Actuary
AGAAmerican Gymnastics Association
AGAAlabama Golf Association
AGAAsociación Geológica Argentina
AGAAlcohol and Gaming Authority (Canada)
AGAAruba Gastronomic Association
AGAApplication Governance and Archiving (software)
AGAAverage for Gestational Age
AGAArt Glass Association
AGAalt.guitar.amps (newsgroup)
AGAAcademia General del Aire (Spain's Air Force Academy)
AGAAgadir, Morocco - Inezgane (Airport Code)
AGAAustin Green Art (Austin, TX)
AGAAlberta Golf Association
AGAAmerican Guernsey Association
AGAAdvanced Graphic Architecture (Amiga chip set)
AGAAnimal Guardians of America
AGAAlbanian Guarantee Agency
AGAAsociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Asturias
AGAAmerican Guild of Appraisers
AGAAsociación Guías Argentinas (Spanish)
AGAAsociación de Germanistas de Andalucía
AGAArmy Gliding Association (UK)
AGAAsociación Guatemalteca de Astronomía (Spanish: Guatemala Astronomical Association)
AGAArbeitsgemeinschaft Autorinnen
AGAAsociación Guías de Aragón
AGAAccredited GreenAgent (Canadian real estate designation)
AGAAnnual General Adjustment
AGAAlbert-Garaudy and Associates, Inc.
AGAAssociation Genevoise d'Athlétisme
AGAAnthracite Golf Association
AGAArkansas Geographic Alliance
AGAAsociación General de Agricultores (General Association of Agriculturists, Guatemala)
AGAAerodrome and Ground Aids
AGAAlbert Grover & Associates
AGAAmateur Golfers Association
AGAAktiengesellschaft Für Automobilbau
AGAAberdeen Geological Alumni
AGAAnarchist Golfing Association
AGAApple Grain Aphid
AGAArab Geologists' Association
AGAAutonomous Government Agency
AGAAssociação Guaporense de Automobilismo
AGAAdenin-Guanin-Adenin (genetics)
AGAAustralian Glass Assemblies
AGAAutomatic Gas Analyzer
AGAAction Gardoise Aquariophile
AGAAlvin Guggenheim & Associates
AGAAustralian Galloway Association Inc.
AGAArizona Gazehound Association
AGAAnne Ginther and Associates
AGAAscension Ground Antenna
AGAAmerican Gas Accumulator Company
AGAAshland Graphic Arts, Inc.
AGAAsociación Guatemalteca de Aeromodelismo (Guatemalan Association of Aeromodelling)
AGAAktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz eV
AGAAngel Gate Academy
AGAAssociate Government Agency
AGAArmy Game Administrator (gaming)
AGAAcademy Graduate Association
AGAAktiebolaget Gasacculumator (German)
AGAAtlanta Graphic Arts Inc.
AGAArbitrary-Geometry Antenna
AGAAsociación Ganadera de Argentina (Spanish: Argentina Livestock Association; Argentina)


  • noun

Synonyms for Aga

noun title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)


  • Agha

Related Words

  • form of address
  • title of respect
  • title
  • Republic of Turkey
  • Turkey




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