Francisco de Paula Santander
Santander, Francisco de Paula
Born Apr. 2, 1792, in Cúcuta; died May 6, 1840, in Bogotá. Statesman and politician of New Granada (Colombia). General.
From 1813, Santander was one of the leaders of the war for independence in New Granada. He was vice-president of Gran Colombia from 1819 to 1828. He was virtually president during S. Bolivar’s campaigns. In 1828, Santander was sentenced to death for having plotted against Bolívar, but the latter commuted the death sentence to banishment from the country. Santander was president of New Granada from 1832 to 1837. He was the leader of the Liberal Party, which was founded in the 1830’s and which expressed the interests of the nascent bourgeoisie. Santander made a great contribution to the development of education and weakened the influence of the church on public education. He was a deputy to Congress from 1838.
Cartas y mensajes, vols. 1–10. Bogotá, 1953–56.Archivo Santander, vols. 1–24. Bogotá, 1913–32.