Acronym | Definition |
ERM➣Enterprise Resource Management |
ERM➣Enterprise Risk Management |
ERM➣Environmental Resources Management |
ERM➣Edward R. Murrow (journalist) |
ERM➣Ecological Risk Management (various locations) |
ERM➣Ecological Restoration and Management (various organizations) |
ERM➣Exchange Rate Mechanism (finance) |
ERM➣ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Committee on EMC and Radio Spectrum Matters |
ERM➣Electronic Roll Mitigation (vehicles) |
ERM➣Employee Relationship Management |
ERM➣European Exchange-Rate Mechanism |
ERM➣Entity Relationship Diagram Model |
ERM➣Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters |
ERM➣Electronic Resource Management |
ERM➣Electronic Roll Mitigation |
ERM➣Enterprise Resource Manager |
ERM➣Enterprise Rights Management |
ERM➣Effective Resource Management (various locations) |
ERM➣Enterprise Relationship Management |
ERM➣Entity Relationship Model |
ERM➣Enterprise Report Management (aka Computer Output to Laser Disk, COLD) |
ERM➣Enterprise Report Management |
ERM➣Epiretinal Membrane |
ERM➣European Restructuring Monitor |
ERM➣Études Recherches Matériaux (French: Studies Research Materials) |
ERM➣Email Risk Management (software) |
ERM➣Ecole Royale Militaire (Belgium) |
ERM➣Enterprise Reference Model |
ERM➣Empirical Risk Minimization |
ERM➣Enfants de Reine de Miséricorde (French: Children of Queen of Mercy) |
ERM➣Exact Repeat Mission |
ERM➣Extended Range Munition (Army/Navy) |
ERM➣Employee Resource Management |
ERM➣Études et Réalisations Mécaniques (French: Mechanical Studies and Projects) |
ERM➣École Romande de Musicothérapie (French: Romande School for Music Therapy) |
ERM➣E-Business Relationship Management |
ERM➣e Reuse Methodology (Verisity) |
ERM➣Enforcement Removal Module |
ERM➣Earth Radiation Mission (ESA) |
ERM➣Electronic Relationship Management |
ERM➣Engineering for Reduced Maintenance |
ERM➣Electronic Referral Manager (healthcare software) |
ERM➣Elevation Reference Mark (US FEMA) |
ERM➣Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing |
ERM➣EmailXtender for Microsoft (software) |
ERM➣Environmental Restoration Manager (US Army) |
ERM➣Explicit Rate Marketing (Stratacom) |
ERM➣Envelope Reflectance Meter (US Postal Service) |
ERM➣En-Route Metering |
ERM➣Eddy-Resolving Model |
ERM➣Electronics Records Management |
ERM➣Extension, Renovation and Modernization (India) |
ERM➣Estrada Resign Movement (political group in the Philippines) |
ERM➣Estrogen Receptor Methylation |
ERM➣Exploitation Requirements Management |
ERM➣Extended Reliability Model |
ERM➣Enterprise Reward Management |
ERM➣Event Report Manager (GDMO) |
ERM➣Empowerment Recovery Model |
ERM➣Enfants Refugies du Mondes (French) |
ERM➣Email Resource Management |
ERM➣Events Resourcing Model |
ERM➣External Relationships Management |