释义 |
bracketsBrackets ( [ ] ), sometimes known as square brackets, are similar to parentheses in that they are used to contain information that does not impact the overall grammatical structure of the sentence. However, rather than indicating information that is supplemental or incidental, brackets are usually used within quoted speech to indicate that a writer has added material to the quotation to provide clarifying or explanatory information.Continue reading...brack·et B0441500 (brăk′ĭt)n.1. a. A simple rigid structure in the shape of an L, one arm of which is fixed to a vertical surface, the other projecting horizontally to support a shelf or other weight.b. A small shelf or shelves supported by such structures.2. Architecture A decorative or weight-bearing structural unit, two sides of which form a right angle with one arm flush against a wall and the other flush beneath a projecting surface, such as eaves or a bay window.3. A wall-anchored fixture for gas or electricity.4. a. A square bracket.b. An angle bracket.c. Mathematics See brace.5. Chiefly British One of a pair of parentheses.6. A classification or grouping, especially within a sequence of numbers or grades, as a category of incomes sharing the same tax rate.7. A treelike diagram showing the matchups between competitors in different rounds of a tournament.8. a. The distance between two impacting shells, the first aimed beyond a target and the second aimed short of it, used to determine the range for artillery fire.b. The shells fired in such a manner.tr.v. brack·et·ed, brack·et·ing, brack·ets 1. To furnish or support with a bracket or brackets.2. To place within or as if within brackets.3. To classify or group together.4. To include or exclude by establishing specific boundaries.5. To fire beyond and short of (a target) in order to determine artillery range. [Possibly French braguette, codpiece, diminutive of brague, breeches, from Old Provençal braga, from Latin brācae, from Gaulish brāca, leg covering.]bracket (ˈbrækɪt) n1. (Furniture) an L-shaped or other support fixed to a wall to hold a shelf, etc2. (Building) one or more wall shelves carried on brackets3. (Architecture) architect a support projecting from the side of a wall or other structure. See also corbel, ancon, console24. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) Also called: square bracket either of a pair of characters, [ ], used to enclose a section of writing or printing to separate it from the main text5. (Mathematics) a general name for parenthesis, square bracket, brace66. a group or category falling within or between certain defined limits: the lower income bracket. 7. (General Physics) the distance between two preliminary shots of artillery fire in range-finding8. (Skiing) a skating figure consisting of two arcs meeting at a point, tracing the shape ⋎vb (tr) , -kets, -keting or -keted9. (Furniture) to fix or support by means of a bracket or brackets10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to put (written or printed matter) in brackets, esp as being irrelevant, spurious, or bearing a separate relationship of some kind to the rest of the text11. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to couple or join (two lines of text, etc) with a brace12. (often foll by with) to group or class together: to bracket Marx with the philosophers. 13. (Military) to adjust (artillery fire) until the target is hit[C16: from Old French braguette codpiece, diminutive of bragues breeches, from Old Provençal braga, from Latin brāca breeches]brack•et (ˈbræk ɪt) n. 1. a supporting piece, often L- or scroll-shaped, projecting from a wall or the like to bear the weight of a shelf, cornice, etc., or to reinforce the angle between two members. 2. a shelf or shelves so supported. 3. a wall fixture for holding a lamp, clock, telephone, etc. 4. Also called square bracket. one of two marks, [or], used in writing or printing to enclose parenthetical matter, interpolations, etc. 5. Math. a. brackets, parentheses of various forms indicating that the enclosed quantity is to be treated as a unit. b. (loosely) vinculum (def. 2). 6. a class, division, or grouping, as of persons in relation to their income or age. 7. a projecting fixture for gas or electricity. 8. gun range or elevation producing both shorts and overs on a target. v.t. 9. to furnish with or support by a bracket or brackets. 10. to place within brackets. 11. to associate, mention, or class together: The problems were bracketed together. 12. to place (gunshots) both beyond and short of a target. 13. to photograph (additional shots) at exposure levels above and below the estimated correct exposure. [1570–80; earlier also brag(g)et (in architecture)] bracket Past participle: bracketed Gerund: bracketing
Present |
I bracket | you bracket | he/she/it brackets | we bracket | you bracket | they bracket |
Preterite |
I bracketed | you bracketed | he/she/it bracketed | we bracketed | you bracketed | they bracketed |
Present Continuous |
I am bracketing | you are bracketing | he/she/it is bracketing | we are bracketing | you are bracketing | they are bracketing |
Present Perfect |
I have bracketed | you have bracketed | he/she/it has bracketed | we have bracketed | you have bracketed | they have bracketed |
Past Continuous |
I was bracketing | you were bracketing | he/she/it was bracketing | we were bracketing | you were bracketing | they were bracketing |
Past Perfect |
I had bracketed | you had bracketed | he/she/it had bracketed | we had bracketed | you had bracketed | they had bracketed |
Future |
I will bracket | you will bracket | he/she/it will bracket | we will bracket | you will bracket | they will bracket |
Future Perfect |
I will have bracketed | you will have bracketed | he/she/it will have bracketed | we will have bracketed | you will have bracketed | they will have bracketed |
Future Continuous |
I will be bracketing | you will be bracketing | he/she/it will be bracketing | we will be bracketing | you will be bracketing | they will be bracketing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been bracketing | you have been bracketing | he/she/it has been bracketing | we have been bracketing | you have been bracketing | they have been bracketing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been bracketing | you will have been bracketing | he/she/it will have been bracketing | we will have been bracketing | you will have been bracketing | they will have been bracketing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been bracketing | you had been bracketing | he/she/it had been bracketing | we had been bracketing | you had been bracketing | they had been bracketing |
Conditional |
I would bracket | you would bracket | he/she/it would bracket | we would bracket | you would bracket | they would bracket |
Past Conditional |
I would have bracketed | you would have bracketed | he/she/it would have bracketed | we would have bracketed | you would have bracketed | they would have bracketed | ThesaurusNoun | 1. | bracket - a category falling within certain defined limitsset - a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"income bracket, income tax bracket, tax bracket - a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their incomeprice bracket - a category of merchandise based on their price | | 2. | bracket - either of two punctuation marks (`') used in computer programming and sometimes used to enclose textual materialangle bracketpunctuation mark, punctuation - the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases'> | | 3. | bracket - either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual materialsquare bracketpunctuation mark, punctuation - the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases | | 4. | bracket - a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf)wall bracketangle iron, angle bracket - an L-shaped metal bracketconsole - an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture); "the bust of Napoleon stood on a console"corbel, truss - (architecture) a triangular bracket of brick or stone (usually of slight extent)modillion - (architecture) one of a set of ornamental brackets under a cornicesconce - a decorative wall bracket for holding candles or other sources of lightshelf bracket - a bracket to support a shelfsupport - any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf" | Verb | 1. | bracket - support with brackets; "bracket bookshelves"hold up, support, sustain, hold - be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?" | | 2. | bracket - place into brackets; "Please bracket this remark"bracket outedit, redact - prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages" | | 3. | bracket - classify or groupgroup - arrange into a group or groups; "Can you group these shapes together?" |
bracketnoun1. grouping, limits, group, list, range, category, scope, span, sphere, classification, parameters Do you fall outside the age bracket?2. support, stay, post, prop, brace, underpinning, stanchion, abutment adjustable wall bracketsverb1. group, rank, arrange, grade, catalogue, classify, categorize, pigeonhole, systematize Austrian wines are often bracketed with those of northern Germany.bracketnounA division of persons or things by quality, rank, or grade:class, grade, league, order, rank, tier.verbTo come or bring together in one's mind or imagination:associate, connect, correlate, couple, identify, link.Translationsbracket (ˈbrӕkit) noun1. (usually in plural) marks (eg ( ), () , < > etc) used to group together one or more words etc. 括號 括号2. a support for a shelf etc. The shelf fell down because the brackets were not strong enough. 托架 托架 verb – past tense, past participle ˈbracketed – 1. to enclose (words etc) by brackets. 加括號 加括号2. (sometimes with together) to group together (similar or equal people or things). 與…視為同類(相提並論) 把…归为一类,把…相提并论 bracket fungus a round, flat fungus that grows out horizontally on the trunks of trees. 架狀菌,多孔菌 檐状菌,多孔菌 bracket
bracketsBrackets ( [ ] ), sometimes known as square brackets, are similar to parentheses in that they are used to contain information that does not impact the overall grammatical structure of the sentence. However, rather than indicating information that is supplemental or incidental, brackets are usually used within quoted speech to indicate that a writer has added material to the quotation to provide clarifying or explanatory information.Continue reading...bracket1. Architect a support projecting from the side of a wall or other structure 2. a general name for parenthesis, square bracket and brace (sense 6) 3. the distance between two preliminary shots of artillery fire in range-finding 4. a skating figure consisting of two arcs meeting at a point, tracing the shape ⋎ BracketA projection from a vertical surface providing structural or visual support under cornices, balconies, windows, or any other overhanging member.     Bracket an artillery firing term indicating firing short or over with respect to the target. When a shell falls (explodes) in front of the target (short), it is called a minus; when it goes beyond the target (over), it is called a plus. Firing with the purpose of destroying the target should not commence before a bracket is determined. For this reason, adjustment is made to determine the assured minimum bracket (two pluses and two minuses).
Bracket (1) One of a pair of punctuation marks consisting of two vertical strokes, either round, as with parentheses (), rectangular, as with square brackets [], or irregular in shape, as with braces {}. Brackets are used to isolate words, parts of sentences, or whole sentences that contain information and explanatory matter supplementary to the main part of a text. In Russian, diagonals / / are often used for this purpose, especially in typescript. One use of brackets is seen in the following: “Scholars of Middle Asia (Abu Nasr al-Farabi [tenth century] and Ibn Sina [Avicenna, tenth and 11th centuries]) made a great contribution to the development of music.” In linguistics, square brackets are used to indicate the phonetic transcription of a sound, and diagonals are used to indicate phonemes. In Russian, diagonals and angle brackets are used to designate ellipses in a shortened text. (2) In mathematics, the marks (),[], and {} are used to indicate the order in which mathematical operations are performed. bracket[′brak·ət] (building construction) A vertical board to support the tread of a stair. (civil engineering) A projecting support. (ordnance) The distance between two strikes or series of strikes, one of which is over the target and the other short of it, or one of which is to the right and the other to the left of the target. A group of shots (or bombs) which fall both over and short of the target. bracket bracket, 1 1. Any overhanging member projecting from a wall or other body to support a weight (such as a cornice) acting outside the wall. 2. A knee brace which connects a post or batter brace to an overhead strut. 3. A projecting electrical wall fitting. 4. A short board attached to the carrying member on the underside of a stair supporting the tread. 5. A decorative detail attached to the spring of a stair under the overhanging edge of the treads. Also see eaves bracket, stair bracket, step bracket, wall bracket.bracket (character)(Or square bracket) A left bracket or right bracket.
Often used loosely for parentheses, square brackets,braces, angle brackets, or any other kind of unequalpaired delimiters.bracketIn programming, brackets (the [ and ] characters) are used to enclose numbers and subscripts. For example, in the C statement int menustart [4] = {2,9,15,22}; the [4] indicates the number of elements in the array, and the contents are enclosed in curly braces. In the C expression, if (ABCbuff [501] == '\\x1'), the [501] indicates the 501st byte of the ABC buffer (starting with 0). See also bracketing.bracket
bracket [brak´et] 1. a support projecting from the main structure.2. a small metal attachment welded or soldered to an orthodontic band or attached directly to the teeth, for fastening the arch wire to the band or tooth. Called also orthodontic bracket.brack·et (brak'et), In dentistry, a small metal attachment that is soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or bonded directly to the teeth, serving to fasten the arch wire to the band or tooth.bracket A metal or ceramic part glued onto a tooth that serves as a means of fastening the arch wire.bracket Dentistry A metal or ceramic part glued onto a tooth that serves as a means of fastening the arch wirebrack·et (brak'ĕt) In dentistry, a small metal attachment that is soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or bonded directly to the teeth, serving to fasten the arch wire to the band or tooth. brack·et (brak'ĕt) In dentistry, a small metal attachment soldered or welded to an orthodontic band or alternatively bonded directly to teeth, serving to fasten arch wire to band or tooth. Patient discussion about bracketQ. I am bit worried that she should not fall within the brackets of ADHD? My only sweet daughter is hyperactive with an extremely high activity level. She is 2 ½ years old. I think she is showing the signs of ADHD but is too early to conclude for her age. Most 2-3 year old kids tend to be hyperactive. I am bit worried that she should not fall within the brackets of ADHD?A. Hello! Diagnosis of ADHD is complex at this age, and it is extremely difficult to identify even with all the tools available. And smart kids are often the hardest to deal with. Just make a casual visit to your physician to clear your doubt. More discussions about bracketBracket
BracketThe category of the percentage of Income Tax found on the tax tables set by the Internal Revenue Code, within which a taxpayer falls based upon his or her taxable income. Bracket
BracketA term signifying the extent of an underwriter's commitment in a new issue, e.g., major bracket or minor bracket.BracketA group of underwriters responsible for placing a certain amount of a new issue with investors. Brackets are arranged in a hierarchy, which indicates how much of an issue each bracket is placing with respect to the others. The brackets are called, from largest to smallest: bulge bracket, major bracket, minor bracket, underwriter, selling group. The second largest bracket is sometimes called the mezzanine bracket. Brackets are listed in order of size on an advertisement detailing each new issue, known as the tombstone.AcronymsSeebookletbracket
Synonyms for bracketnoun groupingSynonyms- grouping
- limits
- group
- list
- range
- category
- scope
- span
- sphere
- classification
- parameters
noun supportSynonyms- support
- stay
- post
- prop
- brace
- underpinning
- stanchion
- abutment
verb groupSynonyms- group
- rank
- arrange
- grade
- catalogue
- classify
- categorize
- pigeonhole
- systematize
Synonyms for bracketnoun a division of persons or things by quality, rank, or gradeSynonyms- class
- grade
- league
- order
- rank
- tier
verb to come or bring together in one's mind or imaginationSynonyms- associate
- connect
- correlate
- couple
- identify
- link
Synonyms for bracketnoun a category falling within certain defined limitsRelated Words- set
- income bracket
- income tax bracket
- tax bracket
- price bracket
noun either of two punctuation marks ('') used in computer programming and sometimes used to enclose textual material'>SynonymsRelated Words- punctuation mark
- punctuation
noun either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual materialSynonymsRelated Words- punctuation mark
- punctuation
noun a support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf)SynonymsRelated Words- angle iron
- angle bracket
- console
- corbel
- truss
- modillion
- sconce
- shelf bracket
- support
verb support with bracketsRelated Words- hold up
- support
- sustain
- hold
verb place into bracketsSynonymsRelated Wordsverb classify or groupRelated Words |