释义 |
brachyonychia brach·y·o·nych·i·a (brak'ē-ō-nik'ē-ă), Short nails, in which the width of the nail plate and nail bed is greater than the length; may be congenital or result from nail biting, bone resorption in hyperparathyroidism, or psoriatic arthropathy. [G. brachys, short + onyx, onychos, nail, + suffix -ia, condition] An asymptomatic defect of the thumb or great toe in which the distal phalanx and therefore nail as well is shorter and wider than normal, which is accompanied by a loss of the normal curvature; racquet nails may occur as an autosomal dominant ‘condition’ or in tertiary hypoparathyroidism due to erosion of the underlying bonebrach·y·o·nych·i·a (brak'ē-ō-nik'ē-ă) Short nails, in which the width of the nail plate and nail bed is greater than the length. [G. brachys, short + onyx, onychos, nail, + suffix -ia, condition] |