Daulatshah of Samarkand
Daulatshah of Samarkand
(also Daulatshah ibn Ala al-Dauleh). Born 1438; died 1491. Persian and Tadzhik writer. Author of the popular treatise Tadhkirat al-Shuara (completed in 1487), which is an important source for the history of Persian and Tadzhik literature and includes biographical stories about the poets and excerpts from the works of about 350 poets. Historical information is also included in the text, primarily about Khurasan and Middle Asia from the tenth through 15th centuries. The work concludes with the panegyric verses of Daulatshah dedicated to his patrons and protectors, the poets A. Navoi and Jami, and the sultan Husayn Bayqara. Much of the information in this work is unreliable and belongs to the realm of legend.
The Tadhkiratu”sh-Shuara, “Memoirs of the Poets” of Dawlatschah. Edited by E. G. Browne. Leiden, 1901.Tadhkirat alshuara. Edited by Muhammad Abbasi. Tehran, 1337 A.H. (A.D. 1958).