释义 |
ecchondroma ec·chon·dro·ma (ek'kon-drō'mă), 1. A cartilaginous neoplasm arising as an overgrowth from normally situated cartilage, as a mass protruding from the articular surface of a bone, in contrast to enchondroma. 2. An enchondroma which has burst through the shaft of a bone and become pedunculated. Synonym(s): ecchondrosis [G. ek, from, + chondros, cartilage, + -oma, tumor] ec·chon·dro·ma (ek-kon-drō'mă) 1. A neoplasm arising from cartilage as a mass protruding from the articular surface of a bone. 2. An enchondroma that has burst through the shaft of a bone and become pedunculated. [G. ek, from, + chondros, cartilage, + -oma, tumor]ecchondroma A bony outgrowth capped with cartilage. An exostosis. Also known as osteochondroma. |