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DictionarySeeocclusionEncyclopediaSeeOcclusioneccentric occlusion
occlusion [ŏ-kloo´zhun] 1. obstruction.2. the trapping of a liquid or gas within cavities in a solid or on its surface.3. the relation of the teeth of both jaws when in functional contact during activity of the mandible.4. momentary complete closure of some area in the vocal tract, causing breathing to stop and pressure to accumulate. Normal occlusion of the primary molars. From Darby and Walsh, 1994.abnormal occlusion malocclusion.central occlusion (centric occlusion) occlusion of the teeth when the mandible is in centric relation to the maxilla, with full occlusal surface contact of the upper and lower teeth in habitual occlusion.coronary occlusion see coronary occlusion.eccentric occlusion occlusion of the teeth when the lower jaw has moved from the centric position.functional occlusion contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth that provides the highest efficiency in the centric position and during all exclusive movements of the jaw that are essential to mastication without producing trauma.ec·cen·tric oc·clu·sionany occlusion other than centric.ec·cen·tric oc·clu·sion (ek-sen'trik ŏ-klū'zhŭn) Any occlusion other than centric that results in premature contact of the teeth. ec·cen·tric oc·clu·sion (ek-sen'trik ŏ-klū'zhŭn) Any occlusion other than centric. |