

单词 drt



A gene on chromosome 1p36.1-p35 that encodes a member of the ephrin-B receptor subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases, which “promiscuously” bind membrane-bound ephrin-B family ligands residing on adjacent cells, leading to contact-dependent bidirectional signalling into neighbouring cells. EPHB2 functions in axon guidance during development, guiding commissural axons and forming a major interhemispheric connection between the two temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex. EPHB2 is also involved in the guidance of contralateral inner ear efferent growth cones at the midline, and of retinal ganglion cell axons to the optic disk. It also regulates dendritic spines development and maturation, and it stimulates the formation of excitatory synapses.
Activation of EPHB2 by EFNB1 abolishes the ARHGEF15-mediated negative regulation on excitatory synapse formation. EPHB2 also controls other aspects of development, including angiogenesis, palate development, as well as inner ear development by regulating endolymph production. It may act as a tumour suppressor.
Molecular pathology
Defects in EPHB2 have been linked to prostate cancer.


Dead right there Medtalk A macabre adjective referring to a Pt who has been clinical kaputt long enough to minimize the likelihood of resuscitation


DRTDrug Replacement Therapy
DRTDebt Recovery Tribunal (India)
DRTDel Rio, Texas (border patrol sector)
DRTDel Rio (Amtrak station code; Del Rio, TX)
DRTDining Room Table
DRTDaughters of the Republic of Texas
DRTDepartment of Revenue and Taxation (various locations)
DRTDisaster Response Team
DRTDemand Responsive Transport (public transportation)
DRTDead Right There
DRTDirection de la Recherche Technologique (French)
DRTDesign Recovery Tool
DRTData Relay Transponder
DRTDistributed Real Time
DRTDocument Related Technologies
DRTDevelopment Research and Training (various locations)
DRTDiplôme de Recherche Technologique (French)
DRTDistributed Ray Tracing (computer graphics)
DRTDetection-Response Task
DRTDurham Region Transit (Canada)
DRTDirection des Relations du Travail (French: Labor Relations Division)
DRTDead Reckoning Tracer
DRTDo the Right Thing
DRTDesign Review Team
DRTDiscourse Representation Theory (linguistics)
DRTDomain Research Tool (software)
DRTDecision Response Time
DRTDiagnostic Rhyme Test
DRTDépartement Ressources et Technologies (French: Resources and Technologies Department)
DRTDefect Review Tool
DRTDel Rio, TX, USA (Airport Code)
DRTDisruptive Retail Thinking (marketing; Chicago, IL)
DRTDrift Race Team
DRTDeep Reconnaissance Team
DRTDynamic Racing Team (France)
DRTDebt Resolution Team (UK)
DRTDépannages Réparation Transport (French transportation repair company)
DRTDisregard Tape (order instruction that can be given to a broker)
DRTDérivés Résiniques & Terpéniques (French: Terpene & Resinic Derivatives)
DRTDwarven Ringmail Tunic (Everquest reference)
DRTDeveloper Regression Test
DRTDiversion Recovery Tool (FAA)
DRTDisaster Recovery Terminal
DRTDutchess Rail Trail (New York)
DRTDilation Reflection Translation (mathmatics)
DRTDomestic Return Time (curfew)
DRTDerosa Research and Trading, Inc.
DRTData Relay Terminal
DRTDose, Rate, Length Time of Exposure (radiation)
DRTDiode Recovery Tester
DRTDetected Replies Table
DRTDive Rescue Team
DRTDivision Reconnaissance Team
DRTDischarge Retention Tank
DRTDistortion-Rate Tradeoff
DRTDisposition, Reflection, Triad (band Tool's songs)
DRTDistance equals Rate multiplied by Time
DRTDome Roof Tank (oil storage)




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