

单词 drs



See data-relay satellite.


(Dash Replenishment Service) See Amazon Dash.



Abbreviation for:
Dementia Rating Scale, see there
Delirium Rating Scale
Dental Reference Service 
Diabetic Retinopathy Study
disease-related survival
DNA repair synthesis
Dyskinesia Rating Scale


Abbreviation for designated record set.

Patient discussion about DRS

Q. daughter has rash all over body drs dont know what it is. had it since july help me if you know what it might this rash is red looks like she has been scalded. been to 7 drs. itches cant scratch, it is now affecting her thinking. its not shingles. last dr said it was a fungus but meds doesnt helpA. maybe she is allergic to something? is it changing? getting worse/ better? is it painful? itchy? someone else near the baby had it? what kind of fungal meds did they prescribe?

More discussions about DRS


DRSDrag Reduction System (automobile racing)
DRSDirect Registration System (securities)
DRSDrives (street suffix)
DRSDivision of Rehabilitation Services (various locations)
DRSDepartment of Rural Sociology (various schools)
DRSDepartment of Rehabilitative Services
DRSDepartment of Rehabilitation Services
DRSDepartment of Revenue Services (Connecticut)
DRSDecission Review System (cricket)
DRSDépartement de Renseignement et de Sécurité (French: Department of Intelligence and Security; Algeria)
DRSDispute Resolution System (realtors)
DRSDispute Resolution Service
DRSData Recovery Service
DRSDefensive Runs Saved (baseball statistic)
DRSDevelopmental Research School (Florida)
DRSDesignated Record Set (medical records; various organizations)
DRSDust Removal System (cleaning equipment)
DRSDistributed Resource Scheduling (VMWare Virtual Infrastructure 3)
DRSDisaster Recovery Software
DRSDocument Recognition System
DRSDcp Retransmission System
DRSDomino Runtime Services
DRSDriver Reliability Signature
DRSDirectory Replicator Service
DRSDriver Resource
DRSDistributed Resource Scheduler
DRSDisc Recognition Service
DRSDocument Registration System
DRSDisplay Resource
DRSData Resident Set
DRSData Recovery Services
DRSDisaster Response Services (various organizations)
DRSData Reduction Software (imaging technology)
DRSDementia Rating Scale
DRSDiabetic Retinopathy Study (US NIH)
DRSDéclaration des Risques Sociaux (French: Declaration of Social Risks; Belgium)
DRSDisaster Recovery System
DRSDago Radio Sound (Internet radio)
DRSDeficiency Reporting System
DRSDoctors' Reform Society of Australia
DRSDeposito Rotabili Storici (Italian: Historical Rolling Stock Depot)
DRSData Repository System (business information system)
DRSDisability Rating Scale
DRSDeutsche Rallye Serie (German: German Rally Series)
DRSDriving Rights Suspended (Franklin County Municipal Court; Columbus, OH)
DRSDirty Rotten Scoundrels (rap group)
DRSData Relay Satellite
DRSDynamic Resource Scheduling (VMware technolgy to provide computing resources on demand)
DRSDocument Retrieval Service (various locations)
DRSDevelopment Review Services (various locations)
DRSDiscourse Representation Structure
DRSDebtor Reporting System (World Bank)
DRSDialogues et Relations Sociales (French: Dialogues and Social Relations)
DRSDiffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
DRSDielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy
DRSDecreasing Returns to Scale
DRSDigital Recording System
DRSDisturbance Reduction System
DRSDub-Room Special (Frank Zappa video)
DRSDrum Recovery System
DRSDaily Report Sheet
DRSDisaster Recovery Strategy
DRSDocument Retrieval System
DRSDirt Road Scholars (music band)
DRSDuane Retraction Syndrome
DRSData Reduction System
DRSDigital Reference Service
DRSDecompression, Reduction and Stabilization (lumbar spine)
DRSDansk Radiologisk Selskab (Danish Society of Radiology)
DRSDresden, Germany - Dresden (Airport Code)
DRSDisaster Reconnaissance System (trailers)
DRSRadio der Deutschen Und Rätoromanischen Schweiz (Radio of the German and Rhaeto-Romanic speaking Switzerland)
DRSData Retention Solution
DRSDauphiné Rénovation Services (France)
DRSWordPerfect Driver Resource (File Name Extension)
DRSDirectory Replication Service
DRSData Retrieval and Storage
DRSDeutscher Rechnungslegungsstandard (German accounting standard)
DRSDoppler Radar System
DRSDynamic Report System
DRSDivision of Radiation Safety
DRSData Rate Selector
DRSDropsonde Receiver Subsystem
DRSDiagnostic Reading Scales
DRSDigital Reference Sequence
DRSDirectory Retrieval System (US Postal Service)
DRSDéfense et Restauration du Sol (French: Defense and Restoration of Soil)
DRSDépartement Recherches Subatomiques (French: Subatomic Research Department; Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien; Strasbourg, France)
DRSData Retrieval Subsystem
DRSDiscrepancy Reporting System
DRSData Relay Station
DRSDivision Restructuring Study
DRSDelayed Reaction Syndrome
DRSDeployable Red Switch
DRSDouble-Ring-With-Star (network topology)
DRSDesign Reference System
DRSDoctor of Religious Science
DRSDigital Radar Simulator
DRSDeployment Readiness Service
DRSData Receiving Station
DRSDistributed Rate Splitting
DRSDigital Reconfiguration Service (WorldCom)
DRSData Refinement System
DRSDocument Review Sheet
DRSDesign Requirements Specifications
DRSData Recording Subsystem
DRSDevelopment Requirement Specification
DRSDetention Records System
DRSDynamic Reflectance Spectroscopy
DRSDynamic Resonance Systems Incorporated
DRSDependability Requirements Specification
DRSDexterous Robotics System
DRSDépartement de Recherches en Sécurité (French: Department of Safety Research; Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire)
DRSDetecting & Ranging Set
DRSDigital Receiving Station
DRSDetailed Requirements Statement (Sprint)
DRSDigital Reconnaissance System
DRSDominion Report Series
DRSDeae Romae Sacrum (Latin: Sacred to the Godess Rome, epigraphy)
DRSDealer Recommended Service
DRSDedicated Request Slot
DRSDriver Record Surcharge (insurance)
DRSDrawing Retrieval System
DRSDistribution Receiving Station
DRSDriveline Remanufacture System
DRSDestination Rail Station
DRSDry Reed Switch
DRSDoped Repeat Scramble (data transmission)




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