BPVBlood Pressure Variability
BPVby-Pass Valve
BPVBusiness Purpose Vehicle
BPVBit Pointer Value
BPVBypass Valve (hydraulics)
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
BPVBanca Popolare di Verona (Italian Bank)
BPVBack Pack Vacuum (various companies)
BPVBoiler and Pressure Vessel (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
BPVBipolar Violation
BPVBullet Proof Vest
BPVBasis Point Value
BPVBreed Platform Verzekerden (Dutch: Broad Platform Insured)
BPVBovine Papilloma Virus
BPVBadminton Point Vienna (club; Vienna, Austria)
BPVBuilding Public Value (British Broadcasting Corporation; UK)
BPVBack Pressure Valve (oil and gas industry)
BPVBrake Proportioning Valve
BPVBullet Piercing Valve (ice maker installation)
BPVBusiness Process View
BPVBonnes Pratiques Vétérinaires (French: Good Veterinary Practices)
BPVBundesamt für Privat Versicherungen (Bern, Switzerland)
BPVBipropellant Valve
BPVBattle Planning and Visualization
BPVBackflow Prevention Valve
BPVBadminton du Pays Voironnais (French badminton club)
BPVBiologie et Pharmacologie du Vieillissement (French: Biology and Pharmacology of Aging)
BPVBleeding per Vagina