Acronym | Definition |
BPV➣Blood Pressure Variability |
BPV➣by-Pass Valve |
BPV➣Business Purpose Vehicle |
BPV➣Bit Pointer Value |
BPV➣Bypass Valve (hydraulics) |
BPV➣Benign Positional Vertigo |
BPV➣Banca Popolare di Verona (Italian Bank) |
BPV➣Back Pack Vacuum (various companies) |
BPV➣Boiler and Pressure Vessel (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |
BPV➣Bipolar Violation |
BPV➣Bullet Proof Vest |
BPV➣Basis Point Value |
BPV➣Breed Platform Verzekerden (Dutch: Broad Platform Insured) |
BPV➣Bovine Papilloma Virus |
BPV➣Badminton Point Vienna (club; Vienna, Austria) |
BPV➣Building Public Value (British Broadcasting Corporation; UK) |
BPV➣Back Pressure Valve (oil and gas industry) |
BPV➣Brake Proportioning Valve |
BPV➣Bupivacaine |
BPV➣Bullet Piercing Valve (ice maker installation) |
BPV➣Business Process View |
BPV➣Bonnes Pratiques Vétérinaires (French: Good Veterinary Practices) |
BPV➣Bundesamt für Privat Versicherungen (Bern, Switzerland) |
BPV➣Bipropellant Valve |
BPV➣Battle Planning and Visualization |
BPV➣Backflow Prevention Valve |
BPV➣Badminton du Pays Voironnais (French badminton club) |
BPV➣Biologie et Pharmacologie du Vieillissement (French: Biology and Pharmacology of Aging) |
BPV➣Bleeding per Vagina |