Acronym | Definition |
ECBA➣East Cambridge Business Association (UK) |
ECBA➣European Criminal Bar Association |
ECBA➣Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis |
ECBA➣Economic Cost Benefit Analysis (measurement) |
ECBA➣Essex County Bar Association (Livingson, NJ, USA) |
ECBA➣Emerald City Basketball Academy (Seattle, WA) |
ECBA➣European Countries Biologists Association |
ECBA➣Eastern Cape Boerboel Association (dog club; New Zealand) |
ECBA➣Eastern Coast Breweriana Association |
ECBA➣Euro-China Business Association |
ECBA➣Enseignement Catholique du Bassin d'Arcachon (French: Catholic Education of the Arcachon Basin) |
ECBA➣Emerald Coast Baseball Academy (Shalimar, FL) |
ECBA➣East Coast Breweriana Association |
ECBA➣Economics and Business Administration |
ECBA➣Episcopal Commission for the Biblical Apostolate |
ECBA➣Enterprise Component Business Architecture (IBM) |
ECBA➣Electric Cooperative Bar Association |
ECBA➣Electrical Contractors Business Association |
ECBA➣eCommerce Benchmarking Association |
ECBA➣Essex County Bowling Association (UK) |
ECBA➣Erne Charter Boat Association (Ireland) |
ECBA➣E Commerce Business Architecture |
ECBA➣East Coast Bicycle Academy (Harrisonburg, VA) |
ECBA➣Eastern Collegiate Boxing Association |
ECBA➣Essex County Beekeepers' Association |
ECBA➣Essex Contract Bridge Association (UK) |
ECBA➣Ellis County Bar Association (Kansas) |
ECBA➣East Coast Baseball Academy-USA LLC (baseball instruction; Cameron, NC) |