

单词 case history

case history

case history

n. A detailed account of the facts affecting the development or condition of a person or group under treatment or study, especially in medicine, psychiatry, or psychology.

case history

n (Medicine) a record of a person's background, medical history, etc, esp one used for determining medical treatment

case′ his′tory

n. (in medicine, social work, etc.) a record of the relevant facts and information about an individual, family, or group, serving as a basis for analysis or treatment. [1910–15]
Noun1.case history - detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatmentaccount, chronicle, history, story - a record or narrative description of past events; "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead"family history - part of a patient's medical history in which questions are asked in an attempt to find out whether the patient has hereditary tendencies toward particular diseasesanamnesis, medical history, medical record - the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient

case history

case history

a record of a person's background, medical history, etc., esp one used for determining medical treatment

Case History


(in Russian, anamnez), information on the life history of a patient prior to a given illness and the entire history of the illness itself. The case history is an indispensable part of every personal medical study, frequently affording the indications necessary for diagnosis. A distinction is made between the general case history and the case history of a particular illness. Under the former are included illnesses of parents and nearest relatives, such as hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, psychiatric illnesses, tuberculosis, and syphilis; previous illnesses and surgical operations of the patient; life-style, including family status and nutrition; personal habits (alcohol, tobacco); sex life; profession; and all domestic conditions. The specific case history of a given illness concerns the onset, course, and treatment of the illness up to the time of the given medical study. Case histories are compiled from information supplied by the patient himself or by his associates.

In veterinary practice, case histories are compiled by consulting persons in charge of the animal and from documentary data on the history of the illness and other aspects. The origin of the animal, the state of health of its parents, the presence of disease on the particular farm, and the situation regarding maintenance and care (feeding and watering, living quarters, working conditions) are all determined. Previous illnesses are ascertained, along with the onset of the present illness, its signs, similar cases on the same farm, and information on treatment so far given.


Shkliar, B. S. Diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei. Kiev, 1960.
Klinicheskaia diagnostika vnutrennikh boleznei sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh, 2nd ed. [Edited by V. I. Zaitsev.] Moscow, 1964.

case history


 [kās] a particular instance of a disease or other problem; sometimes used incorrectly to designate the patient with the disease.case history the collected data concerning an individual, the family, and environment; it includes the medical history and any other information that may be useful in analyzing and diagnosing the case or for instructional or research purposes.case method a type of nursing care delivery system; see nursing practice.case mix the groups of patients requiring similar tests, procedures, and resources that are treated at a particular hospital. Case mix is a way to define a hospital's production and has been identified as a major factor in differing costs among hospitals and among individual patients.


 [his´to-re] a systematic account of events.case history see case history.health history a holistic assessment of all factors affecting a patient's health status, including information about social, cultural, familial, and economic aspects of the patient's life as well as any other component of the patient's life style that affects health and well-being. The health history is designed to assess the effects of health care deviations on the patient and the family, to evaluate teaching needs, and to serve as the basis of an individualized plan for addressing wellness.medical history information obtained from the patient to aid in establishing a medical diagnosis and developing a treatment plan.nursing history a written record providing data for assessing the nursing care needs of a patient.

case history

n. A detailed account of the facts affecting the development or condition of a person or group under treatment or study, especially in medicine, psychiatry, or psychology.

case history

A record prepared and maintained by an investigator in a clinical trial that documents observations and other data pertinent to the study on each participant, regardless of whether he or she received the active agent or was in the control arm of the investigation.
Case report forms and supporting data, including signed and dated informed consent forms and medical records, with progress notes of the physician; individual's hospital charts; and nurses' notes.

case his·to·ry

(kās his'tŏr-ē) Detailed recension, generally written, of all particulars of a patient's familial, medical, and social involvements related to a condition or disease process.

history, case

A record of a patient's chief complaint, ocular and general health and that of close relatives, and visual requirements. It is a very important part of the examination, which facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's complaint.

case his·to·ry

(kās his'tŏr-ē) Detailed recension, generally written, of all particulars of a patient's familial, medical, and social involvements related to a condition or disease process.

case history

  • noun

Words related to case history

noun detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment

Related Words

  • account
  • chronicle
  • history
  • story
  • family history
  • anamnesis
  • medical history
  • medical record




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