

单词 bpe



abbr. Bachelor of Physical Education


BPEBefore Present Era
BPEBTL (Bell Telephone Labs) Provided Equipment
BPEBroadband Premises Expert
BPEBureau of Public Enterprises
BPEBusiness Process Expert
BPEBackplane Ethernet
BPEBroadband Processing Engine
BPEBachelor of Physical Education
BPEBusiness Process Excellence
BPEBéton Prêt à l'Emploi (French: Ready-to-Use Concrete)
BPEBusiness Process Engineering
BPEBanque Privée Européenne (French bank)
BPEBioprocessing Equipment (standard; American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
BPEBovine Pituitary Extract
BPEBureau of Professional Education (American Osteopathic Association)
BPEBridgepoint Education (San Diego, CA)
BPEBasic Physical Education (various schools)
BPEBenign Partial Epilepsy (neurology)
BPEBest Practices Exchange
BPEBasic Personal Exemption (taxes; Canada)
BPEByte pair encoding
BPEBenign Prostate Enlargement
BPEBallistic Protective Equipment
BPEBoiling Point Elevation
BPEBonnes Pratiques d'Expérimentation (French: Good Experimental Practices)
BPEBeam Profile Ellipsometry (semiconductors)
BPEBritish Photographic Exhibitions
BPEBridge Point Elementary (Austin, TX)
BPEBibliothèque pour l'Ecole (French: School Library)
BPEBorated Polyethylene (neutron shielding material)
BPEBlack Plain End (pipe)
BPEBomber Penetration Evaluation (US Air Force)
BPEBurt Process Equipment (Hamden, CT)
BPEBar Pin Eliminator (off road block mount)
BPEBasic Programming Extensions
BPEBlack Professional Events
BPEBulk Pharmaceutical Excipients
BPEBureau of Pilgrimage and Endowment
BPEBasic Programmer Education (IBM)
BPEBeam Pointing Error
BPEBarometric Pressure Evaluation
BPEBest Preliminary Estimate
BPEBusiness and Professional Exchange, Inc.
BPEBachelor of Petroleum Engineering
BPEBudgetary Price Estimate
BPEBest Proposal Estimate
BPEBouchillon Performance Engineering (Hanahan, SC)
BPEBusiness Process Evaluation
BPEBataan Provincial Expressway
BPEBlue Pyramid Egyptians (Herriman, UT horse breeders)
BPEBritish Barclays Private Equity
BPEBusiness Premises Equipment
BPEBlueprint Enterprise
BPEBudget Program Estimate
BPEBest Point Estimate
BPEBall Park Estimate
BPEBudgetary Planning Estimate
BPEBasic Periodontal Exam
BPEBureau des Personnels d'Encadrement (French: Office of Management Personnel)




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