Acronym | Definition |
BPA➣Blanket Purchase Agreement |
BPA➣Business Process Automation |
BPA➣Business Professionals of America |
BPA➣Bonneville Power Administration |
BPA➣Bisphenol A |
BPA➣Buenas Practicas Agricolas (Spanish: Good Agricultural Practices) |
BPA➣Business Process Analysis |
BPA➣Bradford Park Avenue (football club; UK) |
BPA➣Business and Public Administration (various schools) |
BPA➣Building Permit Application (various locations) |
BPA➣Best Player Available (sports draft picks) |
BPA➣Bonnes Pratiques Agricoles (French: Good Agricultural Practices) |
BPA➣Beijing Platform for Action (est. 1995; China) |
BPA➣Building Performance Analysis |
BPA➣Bénéfice Par Action |
BPA➣Business Process Architect |
BPA➣Business Practices Alignment |
BPA➣Burst Promoting Activity |
BPA➣Bind Parameter Addresses |
BPA➣Buffer Pool Analyzer |
BPA➣Brighton Port Authority (music project) |
BPA➣British Parachute Association |
BPA➣Benefit Plan Administration |
BPA➣Brevet Professionnel Agricole (French: Professional Agricultural Certification) |
BPA➣Bijzonder Plan van Aanleg (Dutch: Special Planning Scheme; Belgium) |
BPA➣Bundespresseamt (German: Press and Information Office of the Federal Government) |
BPA➣British Pig Association |
BPA➣Black Police Association (various locations) |
BPA➣Best Practice Advisory (healthcare) |
BPA➣Border Patrol Agent |
BPA➣Best Poster Award |
BPA➣British Ports Association |
BPA➣Banca Privada d'Andorra |
BPA➣Bushels per Acre (agricultural yield) |
BPA➣Business Professional Association (various organizations) |
BPA➣Bachelor of Public Administration |
BPA➣Bunbury Port Authority (Australia) |
BPA➣Belief Propagation Algorithm |
BPA➣Boardgame Players Association (Greenville, SC) |
BPA➣Banco Português do Atlântico |
BPA➣Band Parents Association |
BPA➣Benefit Plan Audit (various locations) |
BPA➣Baseline Performance Assessment (US DoD) |
BPA➣Basic Process Algebra |
BPA➣Banque Populaire des Alpes (French bank) |
BPA➣Business Process Assessment |
BPA➣Business Performance Award (Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing) |
BPA➣Business of Performing Audits (media auditing) |
BPA➣Banque Populaire Atlantique (French bank) |
BPA➣Bridgeport Port Authority (Bridgeport, CT) |
BPA➣Bachelor of Performing Arts |
BPA➣Board of Professional Affairs |
BPA➣Bachelor of Professional Arts (degree) |
BPA➣Blood Pattern Analysis |
BPA➣Bowling Proprietors' Association of America |
BPA➣Black Psychiatrists of America |
BPA➣Boost Pressure Actuator |
BPA➣British Philatelic Association |
BPA➣Bowhunting Preservation Alliance |
BPA➣Business Process Activity(s) |
BPA➣Burst-Promoting Activity |
BPA➣Business Process Associates |
BPA➣Basic Purchase Agreement |
BPA➣Bilateral Payment Arrangement |
BPA➣British Pyrotechnics Association |
BPA➣BigPond Advance (Telstra) |
BPA➣Business Planning Analyst |
BPA➣Bratnia Pomoc Akademicka (Polish: Brotherly Help Academic) |
BPA➣Business Partners Alliance |
BPA➣Buckeye Pietenpol Association |
BPA➣Bahnpostamt (German: course post office; German rail cancel) |
BPA➣Business Publications Audit of circulations |
BPA➣British Petroleum Amoco |
BPA➣Back Panel Assembly |
BPA➣Boulangeries Patisseries Associées (French bakery) |
BPA➣Blocked Precedence Announcement |
BPA➣Bid Price Adjustment |
BPA➣Battlefield Psychological Activities |
BPA➣Budapesti Autonóm Gyülekezet (Hungary) |
BPA➣Business Pursuit Authorization |
BPA➣Blanket Purchase Authority |
BPA➣Bretagne Pièces Auto (French automotive parts wholesaler) |
BPA➣Broadcast Promotion Association |
BPA➣Beiträge zur Physik Der Atmosphäre (Contributions to Atmospheric Physics) |
BPA➣Backprojection Algorithm |
BPA➣Baden Powell Award |
BPA➣Blade Pitch Angle |
BPA➣Bayesian Predictive Adaptation |
BPA➣Broad Purchase Agreement (Navy) |
BPA➣Budget Project Account |
BPA➣Boston Process Approach |
BPA➣Billed Per Amount |
BPA➣Bin Packing Algorithm |
BPA➣Backup Path Adjustment |
BPA➣Branch Planning Analysis |
BPA➣Bernard Perreten Architecture, Inc (Vancouver, BC, Canada) |
BPA➣Grumman-Bethpage Airfield (Bethpage, NY) |