

单词 ciliary muscle
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ciliary muscle

ciliary muscle

[¦sil·ē‚er·ē ′məs·əl] (anatomy) The smooth muscle of the ciliary body.

ciliary muscle

cil·i·ar·y mus·cle

[TA] the intrinsic smooth muscle of the ciliary body of eyeball; it consists of circular fibers [TA] (fibrae circulares [TA]), radial fibers [TA] (fibrae radialis [TA]), meridional fibers [TA] (fibrae meridionales [TA]), and longitudinal fibers [TA] (fibrae longitudinales [TA]); action, in contracting, its diameter is reduced (like a sphincter's), reducing tensile (stretching) forces on lens, allowing the lens to thicken for near vision (accommodation). Synonym(s): musculus ciliaris [TA], Bowman muscle, ciliary ligament

cil·i·ar·y mus·cle

(sil'ē-ar-ē mŭs'ĕl) [TA] The smooth muscle of the ciliary body; it consists of circular fibers (Müller muscle) and radiating fibers (meridional fibers, or Brücke muscle); action, in contracting, its diameter is reduced (like a sphincter), reducing tensile (stretching) forces on lens, allowing it to thicken for near vision (accommodation).
Synonym(s): musculus ciliaris [TA] .

ciliary muscle

any muscle contained within the CILIARY BODY surrounding the lens of the vertebrate eye. Through attachment to the lens they change its shape and bring about ACCOMMODATION (1).


Sir William, English ophthalmologist, anatomist, and physiologist, 1816-1892. Bowman capsule - the expanded beginning of a nephron. Synonym(s): glomerular capsuleBowman disk - disk resulting from transverse segmentation of striated muscular fiber treated with weak acids, certain alkaline solutions, or freezing.Bowman eye knifeBowman glandBowman iris needleBowman iris scissorsBowman lacrimal dilatorBowman lacrimal probeBowman membrane - Synonym(s): anterior limiting layer of corneaBowman muscle - Synonym(s): ciliary muscleBowman probe - a double-ended probe for the lacrimal duct.Bowman space - the slitlike space between the visceral and parietal layers of the capsule of the renal corpuscle. Synonym(s): capsular spaceBowman strabismus scissorsBowman theory - that urine is formed by passive filtration through the glomeruli and secretion by the epithelium of the tubules.

cil·i·ar·y mus·cle

(sil'ē-ar-ē mŭs'ĕl) [TA] The smooth muscle of the ciliary body; action, in contracting, its diameter is reduced (like a sphincter), reducing tensile (stretching) forces on ocular lens, allowing it to thicken for near vision (accommodation).
Synonym(s): musculus ciliaris [TA] .




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