ciliary glands

cil·i·ar·y glands

[TA] several modified apocrine sudoriferous glands in the eyelids, with ducts that usually open into the follicles of the eyelashes. Synonym(s): glandulae ciliares [TA], Moll glands

cil·i·ar·y glands

(sil'ē-ar-ē glandz) [TA] A number of modified apocrine sweat glands in the eyelids, with ducts that usually open into the follicles of the eyelashes.
Synonym(s): Moll glands.


Jacob Anton, Dutch oculist, 1832-1914. Moll glands - a number of modified apocrine sudoriferous glands in the eyelids, with ducts that usually open into the follicles of the eyelashes. Synonym(s): ciliary glands