Devils River State Natural Area
Devils River State Natural Area
Location:45 miles north of Del Rio Road and 22 miles off US 277.
Facilities:Primitive campsites, group camp (with bunkhouses, dining hall with kitchen, and conference room), hiking trails, bike trails, hand launch boat ramp, restrooms, showers.
Activities:Backpacking, camping, canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, nature study, guided canyon tours.
Special Features:The natural area is large and remote, with access to the river by hiking, biking, or park tour only; no vehicle access is permitted. The river is wild and rugged with long, deep pools, wide shallow areas, and deep turbulent rapids. Visitation of archeological pictograph sites is permitted on a pre-approved basis only.
Address:HC 01, Box 513
Del Rio, TX 78840
Size: 19,989 acres.
See other parks in Texas.