Devils Lake
Devils Lake.
1 200 sq mi (520 sq km), NE central N.Dak., the largest natural body of water in the state. In an area of typically inland drainage, Devils Lake can range from a dry lakebed to more than 400 sq mi (1,040 sq km) in size, at which point it drains into the Sheyenne and Red rivers. At much lower water levels it forms a series of lakes (Devils, East Devils, West Stump, and East Stump lakes) and has salty water. The irregularly shaped lake has fluctuated significantly in size in historical times; since 1993 it has tripled in size, and chronic local flooding led to construction of an outlet to the Sheyenne. The lake is a popular recreation area. The town of Devils Lake is on the north shore.2 1 mi (1.6 km) long, in Devils Lake State Park, central Wis., NW of Madison. The clear, oval-shaped lake is ringed by bluffs, 400 to 500 ft (122–152 m) high. Native American mounds rest on its shores. The lake is a year-round resort.