Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets

(World-Wide Web)(CSS) An extension to HTML to allow styles,e.g. colour, font, size to be specified for certain elementsof a hypertext document. Style information can be includedin-line in the HTML file or in a separate CSS file (which canthen be easily shared by multiple HTML files). Multiplelevels of CSS can be used to allow selective overriding ofstyles.

Cascading Style Sheets

A style sheet format for HTML documents endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium. CSS1 (Version 1.0) provided hundreds of layout settings that can be applied to all the subsequent HTML pages that are downloaded. CSS2 (Version 2.0) added support for XML, oral presentations for the visually impaired, downloadable fonts and other enhancements.

Comprising some 50 modules, CSS3 (Version 3.0) added features such as vertical text, elaborate borders and backgrounds, user interaction and greater device and browser detection. For information, visit See HTML, style sheet and XSL.