Crank Test

anterior apprehension test

1. Synonym(s): shoulder apprehension sign2. a test of shoulder stability; apprehension with abduction and external rotation of the joint suggests anterior instability. Synonym(s): crank test
A clinical test for anterior shoulder instability and dislocation due to a tear in the superior glenoid labrum; the crank test is positive in less than 50% of patients with a tear in the labrum; MRI is a better diagnostic tool

an·te·ri·or ap·pre·hen·sion test

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr ap'rē-hen'shŭn test) 1. Synonym(s): shoulder apprehension sign. 2. A test of shoulder stability; apprehension with abduction and external rotation of the joint suggests anterior instability.
Synonym(s): crank test.