

 [kra´ne-um] (pl. cra´nia) (L.) the large round superior part of the skull, enclosing the brain and made up of the cranial bones.cranium bi´fidum incomplete formation of the skull, with defective formation of the brain and often an encephalocele or meningocele. Called also cranioschisis.


(krā'nē-os'ki-sis), Congenital malformation in which there is incomplete closure of the cranium. Usually accompanied by grossly defective development of the brain. [cranio- + G. schisis, a cleavage]


(krā'nē-os'ki-sis) Congenital malformation in which there is incomplete closure of the cranium. Usually accompanied by grossly defective development of the brain. [cranio- + G. schisis, a cleavage]