

单词 cil
释义 DictionarySeeCLI



(project)Component Integration Laboratories.


(language)Common Intermediate Language.


(Common Intermediate Language) The ECMA version of the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). See CLI.


CILCommunity Infrastructure Levy (various locations)
CILCoal India Limited
CILCommon Intermediate Language (Microsoft)
CILCarbon in Leach (gold mining)
CILCenter for Independent Living
CILCanadian Industries Limited
CILCash in Lieu (stock transactions)
CILCertificate in Lieu Of
CILCummins India Ltd. (Kothrud, Pune, India)
CILComité Interprofessionnel du Logement (French: Interprofessional Housing Committee)
CILCorpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
CILClip Gallery
CILChanges in Latitude (Travel store)
CILComponent Integration Laboratories
CILCrazy in Love
CILCustomary International Law
CILCompare Infobase Limited (India)
CILClean, Inspect, Lubricate (manufacturing)
CILCritical Item List (US DoD)
CILCyanide in Leaching (mineral processing)
CILCommissioners of Irish Lights (radio navigation)
CILCorrespondants Informatique et Libertés (French: Corresponding Data Protection)
CILCenter for Interactive Learning
CILCentral Identification Lab
CILCommunications in Information Literacy (journal)
CILCentre International des Langues (French: International Language Center)
CILCenter for Intergenerational Learning (Temple University; Philadelphia, PA)
CILCorpo Italiano Di Liberazione
CILCycle International Long (French education program)
CILCenter for Integrative Leadership (Minnesota)
CILClinical Immunology Laboratory (various locations)
CILComputational Intelligence Laboratory
CILCalcetto International League (table football organization)
CILCertified Institutional Locksmith (Institutional Locksmiths' Association)
CILCentre d'Initiatives Locales (French: Center for Local Initiatives)
CILCAPSL Intermediate Language
CILCommunity Information Line
CILContro Interpreter Language (Honeywell)
CILCentre for Innovative Leadership
CILCritical Information List
CILComputer Integrated Logistics
CILComments In-Line
CILCommand Information Library
CILCurriculum & Instructional Leadership
CILComputer Inoperative Limits
CILConfidence Interval Length
CILConfiguration Identification List
CILColeambally Irrigation Limited
CILClub Informatique du Langonnais (French: Computer Club of Langon; Langon, France)
CILChef d'Incident Local
CILChannel Inter-Leaver/Inter-Leaving
CILCleared Items List
CILConvertisseur d'Images par Lots (French: Batch Image Converter)
CILComputer-In-Loop (aerospace)
CILChronic Inflammatory Lesion
CILCephalo-Iliac Left
CILCell Interfering List
CILChronic Ileal Lesion




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