Acronym | Definition |
CIJ➣Continuous Ink Jet |
CIJ➣Center for Independent Journalism |
CIJ➣Comisión Internacional de Juristas (Spanish; International Commission of Jurists) |
CIJ➣Commission Internationale de Juristes (French: International Commission of Jurists) |
CIJ➣Crafted in Japan (Fender Japan; Fender Musical Instruments Corporation) |
CIJ➣Compagnie Industrielle du Jouet (French: Toy Manufacturing Company) |
CIJ➣Centres d'Information Jeunesse (French) |
CIJ➣Co-Investigating Judge (Cambodia) |
CIJ➣Centre d'Information du Jazz (French: Jazz Information Center) |
CIJ➣Cour Internationale de Justice (French: International Court of Justice; UN) |
CIJ➣Close in Jamming |
CIJ➣Citizens for Impartial Justice |