Acronym | Definition |
CIH➣Chartered Institute of Housing (UK) |
CIH➣Certified Industrial Hygienist (ABIH) |
CIH➣Centre for International Health (University of Bergen; Norway) |
CIH➣Collision Intractable Hash |
CIH➣Cam in Head |
CIH➣Constant Image Height |
CIH➣Crédit Immobilier et Hôtelier (French; Moroccan bank) |
CIH➣Chen Ing-Hau (creator of the Chernobyl Virus) |
CIH➣Camshaft in Head (engine) |
CIH➣Comité Interministériel du Handicap (French: Interministerial Committee on Disability) |
CIH➣Centre d'Ingénierie Hydraulique (French: Hydraulic Engineering Center) |
CIH➣Classification Internationale des Handicaps |
CIH➣Cash in Hand |
CIH➣Coney Island Hospital (Brooklyn, New York) |
CIH➣Compagnie Immobilière d'Hardelot (French real estate company) |
CIH➣Centre d'Immunologie Humaine (French: Human Immunology Center) |
CIH➣Certified Incident Handler |
CIH➣Caffeine-Induced Hysteria |