Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge

Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:3720 Rivers Way
Fort Calhoun, NE 68023

Established: 1997.
Location:Beside the Missouri River, 8 miles north of Omaha, Nebraska.
Facilities:Hiking trails, picnic areas, fishing pier, 2 education pavilions.
Activities:Fishing, hunting, wildlife watching, educational programs.
Special Features:Site is undergoing restoration to recreate wildlife habitat that became scarce when the Missouri River was improved for navigation half a century ago. To recreate riverine habitat conditions, areas along the channel have been planted with trees and shrubs native to the area. Other areas have been seeded with a mix of native prairie grasses and forbs.
Habitats: 3,350-acre river channel with a sand and sediment bed.
Access: Open year round from one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset.
Wild life: Raptors, wild turkey, beaver, raccoon, snapping turtles, snakes, toads and frogs.

See other parks in Nebraska.