Acronym | Definition |
CIGA➣California Insurance Guarantee Association |
CIGA➣Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (Bedfordshire, UK) |
CIGA➣Certified Inspector General Auditor |
CIGA➣California Independent Grocers Association (Sacramento, CA) |
CIGA➣Connecticut Insurance Guaranty Association |
CIGA➣Congress for Intragalactic Accord (science fiction) |
CIGA➣Central Illinois Geocaching Association (Normal, Illinois) |
CIGA➣Comrades in Golden Arms (Jim Sinclair's Mineset website) |
CIGA➣Compagnia Italiana Dei Grandi Alberghi (Italian Company of Grand Hotels, Italy) |
CIGA➣Central Illinois Greyhound Adoption |
CIGA➣Companion of the International Guild of Artists (UK) |
CIGA➣Constrained Integrated Grooming Method |
CIGA➣Commercial and Inherently Governmental Activities (US Army) |
CIGA➣Choate International and Global Assistance (Choate Rosemary Hall; Wallingford, CT) |