

单词 cig




1. A shortening of "cigarette." Hey, can I bum a cig off you?2. A shortening of "cigar." I got some nice Cuban cigs for us to smoke at the reception.


(sɪg) n. a cigarette; a cigar. Toss me my pack of cigs, will ya?



Abbreviation for:
Clinical Interface Group (Medspeak-UK)
cold insoluble globulin
cytoplasmic immunoglobulin


CIGCloud Imperium Games (Los Angeles, CA)
CIGChief Inspector General (Florida)
CIGCeiling (height above ground level to base of clouds)
CIGCommercial Insurance Group (various locations)
CIGComplete Idiot's Guide
CIGCollege Info Geek (podcast)
CIGCassa Integrazione Guadagni (Italian: Wages Guarantee Fund)
CIGCentre Interdépartemental de Gestion
CIGConservation Innovation Grants (USDA NRCS)
CIGCommunity Interest Group
CIGCanon Image Gateway
CIGChip in Glass
CIGCancer Information Group (Dallas, TX)
CIGConference Intergouvernementale (French: Intergovermental Conference)
CIGColorado Interstate Gas (Colorado Springs, CO)
CIGChad I Ginsburg (musician)
CIGComitato Italiano Gas
CIGComputational Intelligence and Games (IEEE symposium)
CIGClimate Impacts Group
CIGCanadian Institute of Geomatics (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
CIGCapital Insurance Group
CIGCanadian Immunization Guide
CIGCambridge Information Group (Bethesda, MA)
CIGCeiling Height (METAR code)
CIGCommunity Investment Grant (various organizations)
CIGCentral Intelligence Group
CIGCommon Interest Group (various organizations)
CIGCross Industry Group (various locations)
CIGCultural Institutions Group (New York, NY)
CIGCorpus Inscriptionum Graecarum
CIGComputational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
CIGCountrywide Insurance Group (various locations)
CIGCertified Interpretive Guide
CIGCommunications Interface Group (US DoD)
CIGColumbia Insurance Group
CIGCanadian Improv Games
CIGCity Information Group (UK)
CIGCenter for Integrative Genomics
CIGComputer Image Generation
CIGComputer Image Generator
CIGCámara de Industria de Guatemala
CIGCommunications Infrastructure Group, LLC (Brookfield, CT)
CIGClimate Impact Group
CIGCommunity Involvement Group
CIGCincinnati, Ohio Greyhound (Amtrak station code; Cincinnati, OH)
CIGComputer Intelligence Group, Inc.
CIGCarrabba's Italian Grill (restaurant; various locations)
CIGCommunauté Israélite de Genève
CIGCanadian Institute in Greece
CIGCentral Indiana Grotto
CIGCouncil of Islamic Guidance (Pickering, ON, Canada)
CIGCheon Il Guk (Korean: Heavenly Kingdom On Earth)
CIGCommonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (Australia)
CIGCentre Intercommunal de Gérontologie (French: Intercommunity Center for Gerontology)
CIGCurrent Intelligence Group
CIGCommercial Insulating Glass (various locations)
CIGCryptobranchid Interest Group
CIGConference Interpreters Group (UK)
CIGCentre for Integrated Genomics (British Columbia, Canada)
CIGCable Integrity Group (NASA)
CIGCable Integrity Group
CIGCell Interconnection Gateway
CIGCapricorn Investment Group
CIGCustomer Information Guide
CIGCenter for Integrated Genomics (Cancer Research Center; University of British Columbia)
CIGCalling Subscriber Identification Group
CIGCowan Insurance Group
CIGCenter on Institutions and Governance (UC Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies)
CIGCenter for Intellectually Gifted
CIGCytokine Interest Group (US NIH)
CIGCustoms Information Guide
CIGCustomer Interface Group
CIGCompendium Insurance Group (Pty) Ltd.
CIGCanadian Institute of Gemology
CIGCaspian Oil and Gas Limited
CIGChief Instructor in Gunnery (Canadian military)
CIGControl Indicator Group
CIGConferencia Intersindical Galega
CIGCommand Initiative Group (US Army)
CIGCommunity of International Gamers
CIGCommerce International Group Ltd.
CIGCentre d'Ingénierie Générale (French: General Engineering Center)
CIGCorporate Image Group LLC
CIGCannon Image Gateway




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