

单词 cif



(1)Caltech Intermediate Form.


(2)Computer Information File.


Abbr. for cost, insurance, and freight.


(1) See also CIFS and RAW image format.

(2) (Cells In Frames) ATM cells in Ethernet frames. See Cells in Frames.

(3) (Common Intermediate Format) An ITU H.261 standard for videoconferencing camera resolutions. CIF is also used to specify surveillance cameras.
CommonIntermediate ResolutionFormat NTSC PAL CIF (Full CIF) 352x240 352x288 QCIF (Quarter CIF) 176x140 176x144 SQCIF (Sub Quarter) 128x96 2CIF (2 x CIF) 704x240 704x288 4CIF (4 x CIF) 704x480 704x576 16CIF (16 x CIF) 1408x960 1408x1152

(4) (Common Image Format) A standard frame size for digital video.
CommonImage ScreenFormat Size Resolution VGA Full 640x480 1/4 VGA 1/4 320x240 1/16 VGA 1/16 160x120 D1 (Sony) Full 720x480 (NTSC) 720x576 (PAL)



the total of cost, insurance and freight charges to be paid on goods purchased and shipped.


‘cost, insurance, freight’, a special type of sale of goods. The quoted price includes the cost of the goods, the cost of insurance while the goods are in transit and the cost of the freight to the destination. It clearly eases the buying of goods across national boundaries, especially so where distance is involved. The seller is in the best position to obtain a good price for insurance and freight, so the utility of the standard contract is evident. The seller delivers the goods to the carrier and sends the invoice, insurance policy and bill of lading to the buyer.




See: Cost Insurance and Freight

Cost, Insurance and Freight

A CPT involving ocean freight. In a CIF, the seller is responsible for paying for shipping and providing a minimum amount of insurance coverage up to the named port of destination, while the buyer is responsible for the transportation risk beyond the minimum coverage as soon as the good or product is loaded onto the ship. Legally, risk transfers when the good or product crosses the outer rail of the ship. A CIF is similar to a CFR, but also requires the seller to provide minimal insurance. See also: Incoterm.

Customer Information File

A file a bank keeps on each of its account holders and other clients. It contains information on account balances, outstanding loans, assets and so forth. It is updated frequently to ensure correct information.




CIFCommon Intermediate Format (352 pixels by 288 lines, 30 fps; 1.22:1)
CIFCost, Insurance & Freight (shipping)
CIFCrystallographic Information File
CIFCongé Individuel de Formation (French: Individual Training Leave)
CIFCrédit Immobilier de France (French mortgage company)
CIFCalifornia Interscholastic Federation
CIFComment Is Free (The Guardian newspaper; UK)
CIFConstruction Industry Federation (Ireland)
CIFClassification Internationale du Fonctionnement, du Handicap et de la Santé (French: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health)
CIFComing into Force
CIFCarrier Indication Field (telecommunications)
CIFCustomer Installable Feature
CIFChapter Information
CIFCaltech Intermediate Format
CIFCost Insurrance and Freight
CIFCommon Intermediate Format
CIFCustomization Input File
CIFCells in Frame
CIFCentro Italiano Femminile (Italian Center for Women)
CIFCódigo de Identificación Fiscal
CIFCentral Instrumentation Facility (US NASA)
CIFConstruction Innovation Forum
CIFCentral Issue Facility
CIFConservation International Foundation
CIFCorporate Information Factory
CIFContinuous Improvement Framework (education; Canada)
CIFChicago Improv Festival (Chicago, IL)
CIFConseiller en Investissements Financiers (French: Financial Investment Adviser)
CIFCustomer Information File
CIFCanadian Institute of Forestry (Institut Forestière du Canada)
CIFCommunity Initiative Fund (various locations)
CIFCommon Interchange Format
CIFCommon Image Format
CIFCanadian Investment Fund
CIFCommon Industry Format (standard reporting method; US National Institute of Standards and Technology)
CIFCapital Improvement Fund
CIFCollective Investment Fund (Citibank)
CIFCompany Information Form
CIFCentral Information File
CIFCommunity Impact Fund (various locations)
CIFCaltech Intermediate Form
CIFCloud Industry Forum (cloud computing)
CIFCells In Frames
CIFCommittee International Federation (hockey)
CIFConstruction Industry Forum
CIFCoordination InterPride France
CIFConseil International des Femmes
CIFCouncil of International Fellowship
CIFCombatant Commanders In-Extremis Force
CIFConfocal Imaging Facility (various locations)
CIFCell Imaging Facility (various locations)
CIFCyprus Investment Firm
CIFChild Information Form (various organizations)
CIFCatalog Interchange Format
CIFCenter for Individual Freedom
CIFCapillary Isoelectric Focusing (proteins)
CIFCost plus Incentive Fee (contract)
CIFCompte d'Instruments Financiers (French: Financial Instruments Account)
CIFCapital Improvement Fee
CIFConsolidated Issue Facility
CIFContinuous Ink Flow (printing; various companies)
CIFCod de Identificare Fiscala (Romanian: Tax Identification Code)
CIFConsolidated Incineration Facility
CIFCollaboratory Interoperability Framework
CIFCumulative Incidence Function (reliability)
CIFCargo, Insurance and Freight
CIFContract Initiation Form
CIFComputer Investigations and Forensics (US Department of State)
CIFCash In Fist
CIFCareer Information Fair (various locations)
CIFConsolidated Incinerator Facility
CIFCoordinated Instrumentation Facility
CIFCommon Interface File
CIFClutter Improvement Factor (radar)
CIFCustomer Install Feature
CIFCentral Index File
CIFCore Interface Function (interface between SAP R/3 system and APO)
CIFCandidate Item File
CIFComparative Incidence Figure
CIFCertified International Financier
CIFCadet Information File
CIFCumulative Intensity Function
CIFComputer Is Frozen
CIFCentre des Impôts Foncier (French land tax)
CIFConseil Information Formation
CIFCritical Input File
CIFCentral Intelligence File
CIFConstraint Induced Fracture
CIFCommon Imagery Interoperable Facility
CIFCINC In-extremist Force
CIFCorps Information Flow
CIFController Information File (military air traffic control)
CIFCINC (Commander in Chief) Initiative Fund (US DoD)
CIFCertified Insurance Facilitator




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