Carvallo sign

Car·val·lo sign

(kahr-vah'yō), an increase in the intensity of the pansystolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation during or at the end of inspiration that distinguishes tricuspid from mitral involvement.

Car·val·lo sign

(kahr-vah'yō sīn) An increase in the intensity of the pansystolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation during or at the end of inspiration, which distinguishes tricuspid from mitral involvement.

Carvallo sign

(kar-val′yō, -va′yō) [J. M. Rivero-Carvallo, contemporary Mexican physician] An increase in intensity of the presystolic murmur heard in patients with tricuspid stenosis during inspiration, and its decrease during expiration. This is best demonstrated with the patient in an erect position.


José Manuel, Mexican cardiologist, 1905–. Carvallo sign - an increase in the intensity of the pansystolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation during or at the end of inspiration distinguishes tricuspid from mitral involvement.Rivero-Carvallo effect - inspiratory increase in the systolic murmur of tricuspid insufficiency.