Acronym | Definition |
FFA➣Future Farmers of America |
FFA➣Free Fatty Acid |
FFA➣Free For All |
FFA➣Forum Fisheries Agency |
FFA➣Fusiform Face Area (facial recognition) |
FFA➣Football for All (various locations) |
FFA➣Fédération Française d'Athlétisme (French: French Athletics Federation) |
FFA➣Foundations for Algebra (textbook) |
FFA➣Force Field Analysis (psychological technique) |
FFA➣Far Far Away |
FFA➣Fédération Française Aéronautique (French: French Aeronautical Federation) |
FFA➣Field Force Automation |
FFA➣Federal Facility Agreement |
FFA➣First Female Ascent (climbing) |
FFA➣Football Federation of Australia (soccer/football, Australia) |
FFA➣First Free Ascent (climbing) |
FFA➣First Feature Application |
FFA➣Future File Architecture |
FFA➣First Field Application |
FFA➣Final Fantasy Anthology |
FFA➣Framework for Action |
FFA➣Flood Frequency Analysis |
FFA➣Foster Family Agency (various locations) |
FFA➣Fédération Française d'Airsoft (French airsoft federation) |
FFA➣Flow of Funds Accounts |
FFA➣Forces Françaises en Allemagne (French: French Forces in Germany) |
FFA➣Fund for Animals |
FFA➣Fédération Française d'Addictologie (French addiction federation) |
FFA➣Fédération Française d'Aquariophilie (French: French Aquarium Federation) |
FFA➣Free-Fire Area (US DoD) |
FFA➣Fédération Française des Assurés (French: French Federation of Insured) |
FFA➣Federal Financial Aid |
FFA➣Friends for Asia (Thailand) |
FFA➣Forum Francophone des Affaires (French: Francophone Business Forum) |
FFA➣Forward Freight Agreement |
FFA➣Fahrten-Ferne Abenteuer (German: Driving Distance Adventure) |
FFA➣Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (ophthalmological test) |
FFA➣Free File Alliance (income taxes) |
FFA➣Framför Allt |
FFA➣Fédération Française de l'Acier (French: French Steel Federation) |
FFA➣Fatima Family Apostolate (Hanceville, AL) |
FFA➣Fan Film Awards |
FFA➣Final Fantasy Adventure (game) |
FFA➣For Further Assignment (US DoD) |
FFA➣Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries |
FFA➣Fédération Française d'Aérostation (French: French Ballooning Federation; est. 1977) |
FFA➣Farmers for Action (UK) |
FFA➣Flygtekniska Försöksanstalten (Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden) |
FFA➣Final Fantasy Anthology (game package with Final Fantasy 5 and 6) |
FFA➣Female Fat Admirer |
FFA➣Food for Assets |
FFA➣Fife Folklore Archives (Utah State University) |
FFA➣Freedom for Animals |
FFA➣Florida Forestry Association |
FFA➣Functional Failure Analysis |
FFA➣Face Fusiform Area |
FFA➣Forest Fire Association (Nelspruit, South Africa) |
FFA➣Fieselfreunde Augsburg |
FFA➣Full Freight Allowed |
FFA➣Food and Foodstuff Association (of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) |
FFA➣Fukushima Flight Association (Japan) |
FFA➣Financial Funds Advisors International |
FFA➣Form Factor Accurate (Qualcomm) |
FFA➣Florida Fruit Association |
FFA➣Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953 |
FFA➣Final Flash Association |
FFA➣Finnish Forest Association |
FFA➣Florida Flute Association (Bradenton, FL) |
FFA➣Free-Flight Airspace |
FFA➣Finite Field Arithmetic |
FFA➣Forest Farmers Association |
FFA➣Family Faculty Association |
FFA➣Food For Agriculture (WHO) |
FFA➣Final Fantasy Addicts (website) |
FFA➣Frankfort Arsenal |
FFA➣Fletcher Farr Ayotte PC (Portland, Oregon) |
FFA➣French Forces in Germany (Forces Francaises en Allemagne) |
FFA➣F”reningen F”r Arbetarskydd (Sweden) |
FFA➣Fire Fighting Appliance |
FFA➣Failed Fuel Assembly |
FFA➣Free Freight Allowance |
FFA➣Functional Flow Analysis (Bellcore) |
FFA➣Florida Family Action |
FFA➣Family Funeralhome Association (est. 1989) |
FFA➣Fellow, Institute of Financial Accountants |
FFA➣Filter Fan Assembly |