Erich Haenisch

Haenisch, Erich


Born Aug. 27, 1880, in Berlin; died Dec. 21, 1966. German sinologue and specialist in Mongolian studies.

Haenisch was an instructor at the University of Berlin from 1912 to 1920 and a professor at the university from 1920 to 1924 and 1932 to 1945. He was a professor at the universities of Göttingen and Leipzig between 1925 and 1931. From 1947 to 1951, Haenisch was chairman of a department and director of the East Asian Seminar of the University of Munich. In 1951 he was designated professor emeritus. Haenisch’s research dealt primarily with bilingual Chinese-Mongolian texts and the history of China and Mongolia during the Mongol conquests.


Untersuchungen über das Yüan-ch’ao pishi. Leipzig, 1931.
Monghol un Niuca Tobca’an. Die geheime Geschichte der Mongolen, parts 1–2. Leipzig, 1937–39.
Die geheime Geschichte der Mongolen: Aus einer mongolischen Niederschrift des Jahres 1240 von der Insel Kode’e im Kerulen-Fluss. Leipzig, 1941.