


 [di″ver-tik´u-lum] (pl. diverti´cula) (L.) a circumscribed pouch or sac occurring normally or created by herniation of the lining mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of a tubular organ. See illustration.Intestinal diverticula. From Dorland's, 2000.ileal diverticulum Meckel's diverticulum.intestinal diverticulum a pouch or sac formed by hernial protrusion of the mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of the intestine.Meckel's diverticulum an occasional sacculation or appendage of the ileum, derived from an unobliterated yolk stalk.pressure diverticulum (pulsion diverticulum) a sac or pouch formed by hernial protrusion of the mucous membrane through the muscular coat of the esophagus or colon as a result of pressure from within.traction diverticulum a localized distortion, angulation, or funnel-shaped bulging of the esophageal wall, due to adhesions resulting from an external lesion.


(dī'vĕr-tik'yū-lă), Plural of diverticulum.


Plural of diverticulum


(dī'vĕr-tik'yū-lă) Plural of diverticulum.


(di?ver-tik'u-lum) plural.diverticula [L. devertere, to turn aside] DIVERTICULA OF THE COLONAn outpouching of the walls of a canal or organ. See: illustration

diverticulum of the colon

An outpocketing of the colon. These may be asymptomatic until they become inflamed.

diverticulum of the duodenum

A diverticulum commonly located near the entrance of the common bile or pancreatic duct.

false diverticulum

A diverticulum without a muscular coat in the wall or pouch. This type of diverticulum is acquired.

gastric diverticulum

A pulsion-type diverticulum usually on the lesser curvature of the esophagogastric junction.

diverticulum of the jejunum

A diverticulum usually marked by severe pain in the upper abdomen, followed occasionally by a massive hemorrhage from the intestine.

Meckel's diverticulum

See: Meckel's diverticulum

diverticulum of the stomach

A diverticulum of the stomach wall.

true diverticulum

A diverticulum involving all the coats of muscle in the pouch wall. It is usually congenital.

Zenker's diverticulum

See: Zenker's diverticulum


A diverticulum of the colon is a sac or pouch in the colon walls which is usually asymptomatic (without symptoms) but may cause difficulty if it becomes inflamed.Mentioned in: Barium Enema, Cutis Laxa, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, Esophageal Disorders

Patient discussion about Diverticula

Q. How to prevent diverticulitis? I am a 43 year old man. I just had colonoscopy and my Doctor said I have diverticulosis and am at risk in developing diverticulitis. How can I prevent developing diverticulitis?A. You have Diverticulosis, which means you have diverticulas (small pouches) on your digestive system. These diverticula are permanent and will not go away. No treatment has been found to prevent complications of diverticular disease. Diet high in fiber increases stool bulk and prevents constipation, and theoretically may help prevent further diverticular formation or worsening of the diverticular condition. Some doctors recommend avoiding nuts, corn, and seeds which can plug diverticular openings and cause diverticulitis. Whether avoidance of such foods is beneficial is unclear. If you develop unexplained fever, chills or abdominal pain, you should notify your doctor immediately since it could be a complication of diverticulitis.

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