

单词 cie



(Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, International Commission on Illumination, Vienna, Austria, www.cie.co.at) An international organization that sets standards for all aspects of lighting and illumination, including colorimetry, photometry and the measurement of visible and invisible radiation. See CIE Lab.


Abbr. for “Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage” (International Commission on Illumination).



Abbreviation for counterimmunoelectrophoresis.

non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma

A non-bullous ichthyosis (OMIM:242100)—a skin disorder characterised by abnormal cornification of the epidermis—that is milder than lamellar ichthyosis and has a greater variability in intensity of erythema, size and type of scales. Here, the scales are usually white, fine and powdery, and accompanied by palmoplantar keratoderma, often with painful fissures, digital contractures and loss of pulp volume.
Molecular pathology
Defects of TGM1, which encodes a transglutaminase, are a cause of nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma.
FinancialSeeCustomer Initiated Entry


CIECommission Internationale de l’Eclairage (French: International Commission on Illumination - standardization body)
CIECleveland Institute of Electronics
CIECompagnie (Company (French: Company)
CIECambridge International Examinations (UK)
CIECenter for International Education
CIEContrat Initiative Emploi (French: Employment Initiative Contract)
CIECentro de Internamiento de Extranjeros (Spanish: Immigration Detention Center)
CIECareers in Europe (now Careers International)
CIECurrent Issues in Education
CIECentrum Informacji Europejskiej (Polish: European Information Center)
CIEComputability in Europe
CIEComparative and International Education (various schools)
CIEClasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (Spanish: International Classification of Diseases)
CIECommission on International Education
CIEComputers and Information in Engineering Conference (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
CIEContinuous Insurance Enforcement (UK)
CIECorporacion Interamericana de Entretenimiento
CIECreativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (various organizations)
CIECommunity Information Exchange (various organizations)
CIECertified Indoor Environmentalist
CIECommunity Involvement in Education (various organizations)
CIEChinese Institute of Engineers
CIECentre for Innovation and Enterprise (UK)
CIEChina Import & Export
CIECongenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma (dermatology)
CIEChinese Institute of Electronics
CIECommon Information Environment (UK)
CIECommission for Independent Education
CIECarbon Isotopic Excursion (geology)
CIECommission Internationale d'Eclairage
CIEClothing and Individual Equipment
CIEComputers and Industrial Engineering (journal)
CIECompagnie Ivoirienne d' Electricité (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
CIEConférence Internationale de l'Education (French: International Conference on Education)
CIECollaborative Information Environment (US military)
CIECivil and Infrastructure Engineering (degree program)
CIECentral Illinois Energy (energy plant)
CIECanadian Institute of Entrepreneurship (association)
CIECertified Insurance Examiner (credentials)
CIECleveland Institution of Engineers (est. 1864; UK)
CIEComputer-Integrated Engineering
CIECenter for International Economics
CIECouncil-Certified Indoor Environmentalist (American Council for Accredited Certification)
CIEContinuous Integration Environment (computing)
CIECoras Iompar Éireann (Irish National Public Transport Organisation)
CIECommunity Integrated Employment
CIECommission Interrégionale de l'Emballage (French: Interregional Packaging Commission; Belgium)
CIECommonwealth Institute of Entomology (Panama)
CIECapabilities Integration Environment (US Air Force)
CIECustomer-Initiated Entry
CIECentro di Iniziativa per l'Europa (Italian: Center of Europe Initiatives)
CIECareer Integrated Education (Drexel University; Philadelphia, PA)
CIECentral Iowa Energy (utility)
CIECanadian and International Education
CIECanadian Institute of Energy
CIECompanion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
CIECommunications Interface Equipment
CIECard-Image Editor
CIECertified Internetworking Expert (Cisco)
CIECompton's Interactive Encyclopedia
CIECommunications, Information, and Entertainment
CIECounter Immune Electrophoresis
CIECentro de Informação Europeia (Portugal)
CIEComputer Interface Electronics
CIECoalition Information Environment (used in CTL ACTD program)
CIEColumbia Earth Institute
CIECustomer Integration Environment (United Parcel Service)
CIEConsole Interface Electronics (Motorola)
CIEChannel Interface Electronics
CIEComité Interministériel de l'Environnement (French: Interministerial Committee for the Environment; Cameroon)
CIECurrent Intelligence Estimates
CIECommSoft Interface Engine
CIECard Image Edition
CIECustomer Information Exchange
CIECertificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
CIECircuit Imprimé équipé (French)
CIECenter for Israel Education




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